Protecting your strategies

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by gmst, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. sle


    Protecting IP vs actually living and working is always a trade-off. For example, if you are going to raise capital, you are always torn between being as transparent as possible to please the investors and being as opaque as possible to avoid giving away your edge.

    Further, it is a major problem if you are working with people - do you want to train your junior trader so he can walk away with your strategies? Do you want your bosses to know what you are doing so they can hire a cheaper replacement?

    I found that the only consolation is that the devil is in details and the details are very hard to learn. It certainly pays to be paranoid and certainly pays to be vigilant. It also pays not to waste too much time on security efforts.

    just my .25 vols
    #151     Jul 1, 2012
  2. gmst


    Its a Friday folks and I have some time to re-visit this topic. Few days ago, My MC crashed again.

    Anyways, Multicharts logs doesn't have this line anymore.

    C:\ProgramData\TS Support\MultiCharts\StudyServer\Studies\SrcEl

    This folder has all EL files that can be opened in notepad. This means that Stan Bokov got this file removed as a result of this thread. But he didn't care to tell us. Anyways.

    Rather, MC logs mention .sef files now (MC is not copying .sef files, the log just mentions that they are checking/compiling the .sef files on my computer to test whether they is OK or not). Moreover, .sef files can't be opened with notepad as they are compiled.

    Finally, I was able to locate the location of log file on my computer. that was causing all this doubt in my mind. It is located at

    C:\Users\....\AppData\Local\TS Support\MultiCharts\8.0.5620...\Logs\StudyServer\StudyServer_Trace.txt

    Upon opening this file, I saw this just had a line that it had one line each for compiling each strategy and then spitting out message "OK" - meaning the strategies compiled. It was not copying the actual strategies. So, I guess I was wrong in doubting that MC is copying the best strategies from its traders and I would like to re-tract my statement when I said that 'probably' MC is copying the strategies. MC is all ok now from my side! :)
    #152     Aug 10, 2012