Protecting your capital from medical collection agencies

Discussion in 'Politics' started by birdman, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. rdannes


    So they are all going to ER's to get MMR and DPT vaccines?
    #41     Jul 17, 2007

    If there are 20 million illegals in this country, they aren't paying income taxes.
    #42     Jul 17, 2007
  3. Really now. I think you need to watch a little Lou Dobbs on CNN, wich is a leftist station for all of you tree huggers, it's ok I graduated from a tree hugger school. Just a little something to ponder

    The real reason Bush want to legalize them.............? Is so we have immigrants to support the wave of entitlemenet programs coming due soon with baby boomers, not to mention they are the fastest, Hispanic that is, pop. in many part of the US and both Dems and Repubs want the voting base, plain and simple.

    Here's a little something for you to ponder My Spanish prof. who came here legally in the 50's said it was so stupid of the US to allow US born children of illegals to get instant citizenship. This is what he said to me in 93'. Coming from a Mexican National who came here legally. He said it is the dream of peasants to run accross the border " for the better life" and pop out a kid because their life sucks in Mexico. They are taught to work our system. I am not joking. What is his motivation to lie? You can choose to believe me or not. In most other parts of the world if your parents are illegally in the country you are not automatically granted citizenship, no way.
    #43     Jul 17, 2007
  4. Actually some do, but very few that I have heard and read. A simple solution for that would be taxes basesd on sales tax and nothing else, sure there would be loopholes, but that would stop that nonsense right then and there.
    #44     Jul 17, 2007
  5. #45     Jul 17, 2007
  6. No actually, its not otherwise there wouldn't be many briefs, included the one I posted above the shows they are a net drain on the US currently.

    Do you know any illegals personally? I do, 2 work at a restaurant I have gone to for over 15 years. 2 brothers take turns busing tables, paying 2k each to cross the border in CA desert once a year, maybe more now. Each work for 6 months. They have fake documents. The get paid in cash live 6-8 house and send the majority of their $$$ back to Mexico. They eat Mac and Cheese, tortillas, cheap food, spending almost no money here in the US. They told my Dad that in Spanish. We have know of them for 15 years atleast. Are they bad guys? No, not at all, but some of nationalists need to protect our interests, that's what normal ppl. do. Either integrate them, legalize, pay a big fine, or get out, you are sucking $$$ out of our country to send it back to your peasant families in Mexico, primarily. Ask Western Union whom a lot of their customers are? Mexicans sending money back home.
    #46     Jul 17, 2007
  7. birdman


    thanks for all the info ...

    i had my appendix out last December - cost about 52 thousand US Dollars

    insurance paid for most of the bill and I've been making monthly payents

    what chaps my hide is the hospital has a policy of selling their accounts to a collection agency to show more immediate income on the books

    i guess it don't matter who you pay, but i don't like it anyways
    #47     Jul 17, 2007
  8. The collection agencies very rarely buy any debt. If this is the first collection agency you are dealing with on this matter they will get a percentage of whatever they collect. I would suggest you try to settle with them. They will take 1/4 to 1/2 in a lump sum.

    They are not going to attach to any assets. If they bug you too much change your telephone number to a new unlisted number. The hospital and doctor have already written off the debt by the time it makes it to a collection agency.
    #48     Jul 17, 2007
  9. My friend went to the hospitol for a stomach ache he thought was a galstone. The bill was $1500 for a 1hr visit that they had no answers. he called and if he paid in 7 days he would get a 50% discount . So if they sell there default a/cs for 50% of there value they are still ahead of the game
    #49     Jul 17, 2007
  10. maxpi


    Paying a collection agency is probably a mistake. They will put something on your credit report about how you paid it off and restart your 7 year time period for clean bill of credit health. If it gets to collections, and it's not worth it for them to go to court and get a judgement, blow them off.
    #50     Jul 17, 2007