Protecting Assets From a Divorce

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by aeliodon, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. forget lawyers! get a good doctor just in case! :D
    #41     Nov 1, 2008
  2. what time does nurse ratchet come around with your meds.

    these threads run every once in awhile

    here is advice

    1. build the arc before the flood.

    2. you will NEVER know who you are rally married to until you sit down at the divorce table. if you dont believe this, ask some buddies or relatives.

    3. G Boa gave you great advice... does not mean she cant drag you into court & contest it, but do it right all along... get a great lawyer and follow his advice..
    #42     Nov 1, 2008
  3. You are definitely taking the best approach for a person with your attitude and goals. I have seen a few wealthy men get their assets reduced by half, not to mention the absurd monthly payments.

    It makes me happy to see somebody not let some romantic Disney vision of life get in the way of protecting ones financial future. Good luck with your marriage.
    #43     Nov 1, 2008
  4. well, since no one gets divorced after 16 years, you're safe forever. you're liake a highly leveraged joker trading w/o stops.

    ive been told by a divorce atty that after 10 years in cali, you can be sued for LIFETIME support. up until 10 years, the "rule of thumb" is 1 year of vaginamony for each 2 years of marriage... with kids, im told they can run until 22 if they are students and live with your wife - you can be required to pay child support until 22 yo.

    actually, glad its working and hope it continues. its best fo you children

    #44     Nov 1, 2008
  5. you're a fool. until you have gone through a divorce, you have NO CLUE what its like. prenup... prenup... prenup - :cool:
    #45     Nov 1, 2008
  6. so many of you guys are TOTALLY full of shit - just complete, ignorant morons - you have been brainwashed or something ... like Hallmark cards with dicks... you guys better wake-up... she gets the gold, you get the shaft. she and kids get at least 55% of your income. she will still want you to pay for everything.

    my buddy's ex- got a house in La Jolla & another in a world famous resort & $8k a month. he made a couple of bad investments trying to "get even" and got sued on a deal, and now he will be working for a long, long time...

    ill tell you MENSAs something else - thet rarely re-marry until the vaginamony runs out... why? b/c they can get laid & get paid... their boyfriend sticks them & she sticks you financially.

    the most important clause in any partnership is the dissolution clause - and marriage is a legal partnership. leave nothing to chance.
    #46     Nov 1, 2008
  7. Hahahah, QQQBALL nails it. 8k a month, your friend got lucky.
    #47     Nov 1, 2008
  8. Cheese


    You have to take into account before all else the current conventions. Marriage 40 years ago and even 30 years ago was the signature of normality and acceptance. No more so.

    The proposition before you is do not marry. Your girlfriend becomes your 'partner'. If successful hide your assets from all your heterosexual relationships, long term, or otherwise. This does not stop you from treating a woman well. Bottom line she needs to know implicitly you are not her money tree where she can decide to chop it down and carry off half or more of it. Of course nothing will stop you from being a sucker which incidentally is also giving away your power.

    If serious in the woman stakes, enjoy them, but keep them out of your power and money. And yes it keeps them on their toes. It is like trading. You are there to win (and do it big time). Anything less, you leave to small timers and losers.
    #48     Nov 1, 2008
  9. I wonder if anyone has done a study on marriage where before getting married couples rate their feelings or doubts on whether the marriage will work out or not and then do a followup 5/10/15/20 yrs later to see if the "have some doubts" group compares to the "have no doubts" group and see if that is a helpful predictor of future divorce or not.

    I'm sure many go into marriage w/ lingering doubts. I guess you can rate them on a numerical basis on various categories like money, fidelity etc etc and add those numbers up to give you some sort of "doubting" figure and use that to predict divorce. Then maybe couples can take a test to see if they are at high risk for divorce even before walking down the aisle. I'm sure there are pre-marriage tests out there you could take. If you get a bad grade maybe you should look into the reasons why you scored so bad before getting married.

    I know someone who married and after several yrs it isn't going very well now. I wonder if he had doubts from the beginning as others looked at her and wondered how he would cope w/ her "personality"...... myself included. Now w/ kids it is hard to leave. I guess he feels stuck now but I'm afraid to dig too deep and ask him.

    Good luck and make sure you are making the right decision.
    #49     Nov 1, 2008
  10. Hide your money in Swiss Bank....:D
    #50     Nov 1, 2008