Propriety Trading Chicago

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by apalmer, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. TheoCap


    I completely agree and would recommend you looking into CTC. I went through their recruitment process and found them to be a top notch shop. Also, the chance to learn under Natenberg would be very valuable.

    As far as preperation, it's super competitive and you have to know your stuff, just don't walk in expecting them to hand you a job. You have to be extremely familiar with statistics and very quick with math.

    Best of luck.
    #31     Mar 10, 2008
  2. Run away from the stat stuff right now. not worth the time.
    #32     Mar 10, 2008
  3. Porkupine


    SMW trading

    Sidney Kaz...


    Bone up on you quick adding, subtracting. He will probably hit you with that on 1st interview.

    Like someone said earlier. If you want it, don't take no for an answer. & don't listen to someone on interview if they tell you that you dont have what it takes. Politely tell them that you disagree and dont stop until you get there.

    It's true takes a special skill set to consistently pull a living out of the mkt. But, if you are open minded, constantly looking to improve yourself, & learn from your mistakes, you can pull it off.

    Trading is a mental/psychological sport. The quicker you learn about your own tendencies (strength/weakness) the quicker you will succeed. regardless of if your a floor, arcade, institutional

    Go get 'em !!!

    PS Read every book you can get you mits on.
    #33     Mar 13, 2008
  4. yoyoman2


    SMW is a great place to be, and that lead is GOLD!!!

    they ran into some troubles and went adding to their electronic trading desks (4 months ago)

    Persistence is key!

    Good luck!
    #34     Mar 13, 2008
  5. Jimmy3


    Did anyone hear something about GHCO training program ? How good is it ?
    #35     Mar 13, 2008
  6. I love how these firms give logic tests. Its hysterical.
    #36     Mar 13, 2008
  7. yoyoman2


    Infinium has 3 tests and an interview (math, logic, essay) with an HR person before you ever get to see a trader ...
    #37     Mar 14, 2008
  8. Porkupine


    I know. Some of their criteria for screening are ridiculous.

    Just because a kid has a 4.0 doesnt nesc make him a better trader candidate than a kid with a lesser cum for some of the trading these firms do.

    The knack/spark is either present and there to be improved on or it's not. Kid will sink or sail.

    Guess they have to justify that they have some sort of edge in their selection process.
    #38     Mar 14, 2008
  9. i was asked several logic questions in my interview and was not allowed to use a calculator or pencil.

    ex.) how many degrees away on a clock is the time 3:20 from noon.

    what are the odds of pulling 2 aces from a deck of cards consecutivley.

    Why are man-hole covers round.

    They ask these questions so they can hear how you think and talk through a problem.
    #39     Mar 14, 2008