Proprietary Trading

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by yzdavidson, May 26, 2005.

  1. TY Zippie
    But for anyone that reads this thread, we are NOT selling a system of any kind we are just looking for proven traders in need of capital, and good rates.
    #11     May 26, 2005
  2. Obviously you don't have the funds to market your product the correct way. So your trying pitch everyone in ET.

    And you wonder why people don't like spam?:mad:
    #12     May 26, 2005
  3. no but you are selling your firm from which you benefit. bottom line you are pissing off the paying sponsors not to mention many members that dislike spam. you can dress it up like you are doing us all a favor but in the end you just need to pony up some $$$$$ and pay for the advertising. can you not afford to advertise?
    #13     May 26, 2005

  4. That must be it
    Since I am new to ET I would like to apologize to almost everyone that I have offended by this post and I will not post it again. As for Tradewiz you need to grow up, and to answer your hostile comment, our product is marketed fine and I thought that ET might be a good place to reach that one or two traders that have had a hard time finding capital.
    #14     May 27, 2005