Prop-trader's Net

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by dire_ywc, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. dire_ywc


    I'm a prop-trader in China...... I would like to communicate with you guys how to trade...

    I will refresh my "net" everyday....

  2. I'd like for you to teach me how to trade :D
  3. what instruments are you trading?
  4. yes, please do tell. :D

    although you're hiding symbols already, bad sign..:mad:
  5. $7400 out on 2,100,000 shares.

    Maybe 3 points for you after commisssions (being generous).

    Hardly worth tooting your horn over especially when you include that most of the Chinese prop bucket shops are on a slave wage split (80/20 or more for the house).
  6. Which prop firm do you work at?
    I know a few firms there.
  7. bespoke


    no fees and commission? that's only .0035 per share gross. you say its net, but how do you buy and sell 10,000 shares and have a net of 0 dollars.
  8. dire_ywc


    Some words are too hard for me~~~~I can't understand very clearly...

    This morning when I posted this thread, the system told me something wrong, so I thought it's not been posted...

    But I will post my "net" everyday...

    I in WTS...
  9. dire_ywc


    2,000,000 shares with 7386 gross, I got 3000 net....

    Huge volume, big gross but little net~~~this is the trait of chinese prop-traders...

    By the way, wo got 2000 net but 2,200,000 shares and 6400 gross last night(stocks trading-time is at mid-night in China)..

    I just forgot to cut the pictures...

    I will do it tonight...
  10. What kind of strategy are you using?
    #10     Jun 26, 2008