prop in czech republic

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by agorik777, Jun 9, 2003.

  1. agorik777


    i am looking for any prop firms in czech repulic to trade nyse
    stocks. Please, respond if you have any information.
  2. jester

    jester Guest

    ....doesn't Bright have an office in Prauge?


  3. I think it's behind the 7-11....

  4. OK ....I have to ask...are you living in Czech or planning to move there???
  5. agorik777


    Yes, I am going to move there from USA.

  6. Then you don;t need a prop need a Shrink!!!!!!Are you out of your mind?
  7. reg


    That wasn't very nice. I myself am looking to move to either
    Somalia or Afghanistan and am looking for a prop firm (that trade NYSE of course) in those areas myself.
  8. regough


    That wasn't very nice. I myself am looking to move to either
    Somalia or Afghanistan and am looking for a prop firm (that trade NYSE of course) in those areas myself.

    Have a nice time- see ya,
  9. Dude, some of these former Soviet bloc countries have been making incredible progress. The Czech Republic is pretty underrated....besides, have you seen the incredibly hot chicks over there?
  10. Salmon


    WWW.FIO.CZ one of the greatest brokers houses here in Czech republic, you can trade US stocks or czech stocks with them.
    #10     Jun 15, 2003