I am using a cable-connection (3com card) to the internet and Windows XP as my operating system. Some days ago, I installed a DLink-networking card to connect to my laptop and the problems started. Since then, every hour or two the internet freezes for one or two minutes. I am not connected to my laptop all the time (only for data-transfers) and so I disabled the connection. The problem is still there and also when I activate the connection without connecting the cable to the laptop I have the same problem. There are no conflicts recognized by XP and the cards are also installed with a different IP-address (there is also no problem by data-transfering). I am not a computer-specialist, so maybe I have done something wrong by using the Installation-Wizard of XP, but I have no idea what. So, I hope someone can give me an idea of how I could handle that problem. Many thanks in advance, Manfred
Have you tried uninstalling the software/drivers for the hardware and reinstalling them? Use the device manager... Also, visit the manufacturer's website of the network card to verify that it is fully compliant with XP... they also might have different/new drivers to handle your problem. Good luck.
Perhaps try replacing the D-link card with another 3 comm.. Check the d-link is on auto select for both 10 and 100 transfer rate.. www.adslguide.org.uk good site for any question re: computor and adsl . regrads.mbt3
Thanks for the replies. I reinstalled the d-link card two or three times and I have also checked the manufacturer`s website (the card is compliant with Windows NT, so XP should work also, or ?). I have also checked the auto-selection for the transfer rate. The problem is still there. I think, i will try the customer support at the d-link site. Thanks, again. Manfred