Probability Through the Lens of Coin Flipping

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by marketsurfer, Mar 23, 2017.

  1.{"emails":{},"phones":{},"first_name":"Dave","timezone":"Europe/London","title":"Specialized Financial Writing","email":"","name":"dna","company":"DNA","last_name":"Goodboy"}

    When are Past Returns Indicative of Future Returns?
    A Brief Exploration Through the Lens of Coin Flipping

    You are presented with two coins, one is fair, and the other has a 60% chance of coming up heads. Unfortunately, you don't know which is which.2

    What number of flips would you want to see performed in parallel on the two coins to give yourself a 95% chance of identifying the biased one? Please just give it a quick guess, without working it out on a pad of paper. You need to hit 'answer' in order to read the rest of the note.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
  2. drm7


    I'm guessing 60. Only basing this on my experience at a credit card company, which needed a minimum of 30 credit approvals per risk bucket to adequately calibrate the model. That was the bare minimum though.
  3. southall


    Well i guessed 200.
    Traders dont need to wait years, we have daily results to use.
    So can get high confidence of statistically significant results much easier and quicker.
  4. vanzandt


    There's no correct answer.
  5. southall


    It asked for an estimate for 95% confidence, not 100% confidence.
    JackRab, murray t turtle and vanzandt like this.
  6. Xela


    That's certainly not right: it's a simple mathematical function, so it has an answer.

    The link isn't working at the moment, but my guess is about 150, because 60% is pretty close to 50% [​IMG]
  7. Hmmm...if you could factor in the probability of Surfer's YM trades ending up in the's the limit! :D
  8. Visaria


    500 should give me 95% confidence.
  9. JackRab


  10. JackRab


    You do know that this post doesn't really help your money management business @marketsurfer? Since it basically says, don't give your money to active managers ;)
    #10     Mar 23, 2017