Probability Cone in AmiBroker

Discussion in 'App Development' started by ChimpTrader, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. Warm Greetings to AFL experts,

    Let's say an Option expires at a future date (on a candle yet to form beyond the Barcount - 1) for which there is no Quote yet and I want to visualize the probable range of the security assuming constant volatility as per the selected bar. Below is an attempt which obviously throws Error 10: Array subscript out of range whenever a bar is selected that provoke the lines to be plotted beyond Barcount - 1.

    _SECTION_BEGIN( "Probability Cone" );
         SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates );
         PrcFld = ParamField( "Price Field", 3 );
         chPrcFld = ParamToggle( "Choice Field Hi-Lo", "Field|H-L", 0 );
         //volTyp = ParamList( "Vol. Type", "GARCH|VIX|IV", 2 );
         vol = 0.10; //Assumed Volatility (ideally based on volTyp)
         intrvl = Param( "No. of days ahead", 5, 1, 252 );
         stdPer = Param( "Std. Dev.", 2, 1, 5, 0.5 );   
         bi = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );
         stdDev = Null;
         u = Null;
         d = Null;
         ctr = 0;
         if( ( bi + intrvl ) <= Status( "lastvisiblebar" ) )
             for( i = bi; i <= bi + intrvl; i++ )
                 stdDev[ i ] = stdPer * ( PrcFld[ bi ] * vol[ bi ] * sqrt( ctr / 365 ) );
                 if( chPrcFld )
                     u[ i ] = H[ bi ] + stdDev[ i ];
                     d[ i ] = L[ bi ] - stdDev[ i ];
                     u[ i ] = PrcFld[ bi ] + stdDev[ i ];
                     d[ i ] = PrcFld[ bi ] - stdDev[ i ];
                 //Not able to think !!!
         Plot( C, "", colorDefault, styleCandle );
         Plot( u, "", colorBlue, styleLine | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 0, 1, 2 );
         Plot( d, "", colorYellow, styleLine | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 0, 1, 2 );
         //PlotText( NumToStr( u[ bi + intrvl ], 1.2 ), bi + intrvl + 2, u[ bi + intrvl ], colorBlue );
         //PlotText( NumToStr( d[ bi + intrvl ], 1.2 ), bi + intrvl + 2, d[ bi + intrvl ], colorYellow );
         Title = "{{DATE}} C " + C;
    The challenge that I am attempting to apprehend is to pinpoint (Lookup for) the expiration date ahead of the end of arrays. How do I find the number of bars between a future expiration date (for which a candle is yet to form) and a selected bar?

    Please suggest an approach on how to achieve the below:

    Thank you !
  2. MarkBrown


    Next 3rd Friday function out of MultiCharts - maybe you can glean something fro it.

    Series( numericsimple ) ;

    var0( 0 ),
    var1( 0 ),
    var2( 0 ),
    var3( 0 ),
    var4( 0 ),
    var5( 0 ),
    var6( 0 ),
    var7( 0 ),
    var8( 0 ),
    var9( 0 ),
    var10( 0 ) ;

    var0 = DayOfMonth( Date ) ;
    var1 = Month( Date ) ;
    var2 = Year( Date ) ;

    var3 = DayOfWeek( var2 * 10000 + var1 * 100 + 1 ) ;
    if var3 < 6 then
    var4 = 6 - var3
    var4 = 7 ;

    var5 = var4 + 14 ;
    if var5 > var0 then
    var7 = var1 + Series - 1
    var7 = var1 + Series ;

    if var7 > 12 then
    var7 = var7 - 12 ;
    var8 = var2 + 1 ;
    var8 = var2 ;

    var3 = DayOfWeek( var8 * 10000 + var7 * 100 + 1 ) ;
    if var3 < 6 then
    var4 = 6 - var3
    else if var3 = 6 then
    var4 = 7 ;
    var6 = var4 + 14 ;
    var9 = DateToJulian( var8 * 10000 + var7 * 100 + var6 ) ;
    var10 = DateToJulian( Date ) ;
    Next3rdFriday = var9 - var10 ;
  3. The dilemma that I am trying to solve in Amibroker is how do I correct:
    dt = DateTime();
    lastbar = BarCount - 1;
    _TRACEF( "Next to lastbar Datetime: %0.0f", dt[ lastbar + 1 ] );
    So basically I am wondering to figure out a way in AFL in order to get hold of these dates of future bars on which a candle is yet to form?


    Thank you!
  4. SteveH


    Go to That's where the Amibroker experts hang out. And if they don't answer then Tomasz (creator of Amibroker) steps in and makes everyone feel stupid for how simple he makes it look.
    MarkBrown likes this.