Come to Trader Alliance Forum, I will Cordially Guide you and help you out.. Click on "Enter Chat"...I will come through and help out Just Give yourself a name....join
Chatrooms for money doesn't make sense to me. Try and I'm sure it's all you need.
Hey Gold Rike, Wow, you must be really desperate if you have to resort to begging for new members on elitetrader. Tell us how many current paying members you have now. Whatever the numbers are, they probably are not paying the bills.
I joined traderalliance for a few days last summer. It wasn't bad on the whole. I didn't agree with a lot of 'triggers' called by Gold but hey, that's what makes a market, different trading styles. On the minus, it was full of newbies that were trading datek accounts and had absolutely no idea what they were doing. But what really turned me off was that some guy insulted me several times in the chat. This apparently is against the rules Gold has set up there. But rather than kick him off, I was kicked off!! Gold, you may (or may not) remember me, my handle was BBK1 and I got a + before leaving (whatever the hell that is). HA ha! now I remember, I had to pass this 'test' to get that + beside my name!! btw what happened to your partner? I can't find a mention of him on the new site?
If you didn't blow it all knocking, totally without merit or any sane logic, my favorite trader, Shortboy. Your perverse reasoning about interest added, and your biting jealousy which distorted the truth of his record, have more than convinced me that you are a fraud, or hack. Sam
Yup I sure do remember you, Well sorry for the inconvenience. Not sure why you were kicked or by who. btw, we have the "iggy" feature for newbies. Well nice to see you around though. Great Trading!!