Pristine is the biggest scam ever. The king of the snail oil vendors. If you don't believe me, ask Oliver Valez what happened to his #1 moderator in his Platinum Chatroom. Alexander Grace. LMAO
Amazing how people come to ET and tell us no indicators work , all patterns are failing , All vendors are snake oil , only gut feel trading works, and anyone that says oh BTW i am doing okay should be taken with a grain of salt. what i want to say is if you feel nothing is working why are you then still trading ?
One guy says âsnake-oilâ - another says the best there is! How is that possible? It is possible because that is the nature of the beast. Both posters are telling the truth. Chat rooms must be all things to all people. If the room, and the trader are exactly what you need, than you may actually learn something. But the odds are against you. You will be in a room primarily populated with guys who just want to make money, and could care less about learning. The room operator is more than aware of this simple fact, and must cater to his customers. This is not a benevolent industry. You have no friends. Expect none. None of the venders are out to totally rip you off, but nor are they out to lead you down the path to riches. Most people who try this will fail, and move on. The vender is more than aware of that. Most do not come to learn, but to hear what they want to hear. Venders are also aware of that fact. The young man who started this thread did not ask if Pristine wae a good place to learn, he wanted to know if they could make him money. He was interested in their âtrack recordâ. He asked the wrong question. He is likely to fail.
My former prop floor had the pristine educational chat for a while. We did not trade every call, so I can't say for sure about them. It is hard to verify "track record" claims. They really seem to chase on their entries. When they call something as a buy and ring the little bell, the stock seemed to jump straight up. I don't know if it was because of all the pristine minions hitting the button at the same time or if they were just trading common setups or what. If you do end up trading with them, buy the stock before the moderator does (he'll say what he's looking at) or wait for it to pull back. Also, most of Pristine's gig is "buy after 3 bars down, sell after 3 up, and The Amazing Moving Average. Simple stuff. Maybe they make money; I don't know. Have you noticed that you can spend a week with Capra and Velez for the low, low price of only $25,000.00? What a bargain! If you seriously must have a professional educator, maybe you could check out Threei and the gang at realitytrader. Their chat has a free day every once in a while. I don't know enough to endorse them, but Threei hates being called a guru, and that seems encouraging to me, much more so than fleecing people for $25 g's a week.
oolarim, What makes you think that "nothing is still working?" Lots of things are working, like, the futures are a leading indicator, reading the specialist by using the tape, OO orders, proper risk management and the way as it related to entering or exiting a trade, using proper tools to circumvent "rules," and the stuff that I do (I won't talk about it.) I cannot speak for others, but, it is not that nothing works, it's that if someone is willing to sell it to you in a chat room, it is likely to be in the set of {all trading signals that don't "work"} nitro
Message to aspiring newsbies: Give us your entire starting stake and we will teach you how to trade! Oh, the catch is, you will have no capital left, but at least you will be a trading guru... while you save up for another 25 g's, we will be spending yours on holidays in Hawaii and flash red sports cars...
What did happen to Alexander? About a year ago I signed up for a week of free trial in his room with voice chat at Pristine. He didn't follow the Pristine method (buy over high after 3 or more down etc.) but was sort of touted as being some kinda stock genius by Oliver. They kept saying he was quite the bottom watched him pick several...everytime it made a new one! The dude literally gave me a headache with all of his sputterin' and spittin' and over-excitable demeanor. Plus he kept playing some cheesy tunes over the voice chat and commented on how it was his room and he'd do as he pleased. It was very unprofessional. I had to turn it off after a short period of time. In another post here on Elite some time ago I saw someone allude to the fact that Alexander cost a lot of Pristine members a lot of money. I guess I saw a piece of the beginning of all of that. Mike
Is snail oil worse or better than "snake oil"? I don't know Oliver, so maybe you could tell us what happened the the guy.
Mike, A bunch of our guys signed up for the Pristine Plat. room with Alxander Grace. The room had a good start, he was making some calls and making a few guys money, but when the mkt turned, this guy just keep averaging down and get killed. When the members asked him if he got out of the call, he usually disappeared for a while and said, "yeah, I got stopped out a while back". After he got fired from Pristine for front running his memebers, we got a confirmation from Oliver himself, he running his own scam room somewhere on PalTalk. Pristine makes most of their money running classes all over the world. They are the best advertised service in the world. I really never seen any of Oliver's track record but from my own experiences from their trial rooms, they're not that great. You can learn 5min charts using 20 and 200ma anywhere without paying $750-$1500 for a course. All his videos and lectures are based on setups from the bull market.. let's see some setups now Velaz. I have no idea how this guy is promoted to the so-called neo GURO status. Seen too many of these guys around. They made some people money durning the bull run and now they're just scratching and clawing to make more money off desperate people. my 2 cents, Murphy