Price Action doesn't work anymore due to Algos

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by Darc, May 21, 2024.

  1. Darc


    Stanley Drunkenmiller says Algos have destroyed his ability to read Price Action, Price Action he learnt in the 70s. Phuckers!
  2. maxinger


    Vital information missing.
    Did he mention

    which financial products
    which session (Asian, European, the US)
    what type of trading (scalping, Day trading, swing trading ...)
    he was trading?

    He might not have adapted to the ever-changing market.
    legionx, TheDawn, Darc and 1 other person like this.
  3. Darc


    2.30pm Thursday afternoon 2018, Stocks Bonds Currencies. Swing and Position Trading.
  4. maxinger


    A few years/decades ago, there was currency WARS (the US vs the rest).
    So it was very easy to earn tons of $$$$$$ by trading currencies.

    Now there is no currency war.
    So if we do swing/position trading, it will be relatively difficult to earn $$$$$$.

    A few years ago, there was BREXIT 'crisis'.
    bonds (Gilt, Bund, ZB ....) moved massively.
    So it was easy to earn tons of $$$$ by trading bonds.
    Now there is no Brexit crisis
    etc etc etc

    Also, Algos affects those scalpers/HFT.
    It hardly affects swing/position traders.
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
    VPhantom and Darc like this.
  5. Hello Darc,

    Question please:

    1. Who or what stated that Price Actions "works"?

    2. What does Price Action means?

    Thank you,
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
  6. Darc


    Yes, he must've been referring to shorter timeframes.

    He gave the example of an Algo trading off a Standard Deviation formula (destroying the rhythm).
  7. comagnum


    Darc likes this.
  8. nonpln


    this is the biggest load of crap and you're wasting your time if you believe any of it. someone or something is always making a mistake in the market, don't be the first one to jump. wait for the mistake, identify it and attack.
    Badkarma, Wide Tailz and SimpleMeLike like this.
  9. nonpln


    barely anyone does what they are suppose to do to begin with yet people talking about boogey man algo's. it isn't stopping you from being profitable, not even close. people need to to put together a logical trading strategy and actually commit to following it, that's what's stopping most people.
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  10. Darc


    Yes good point. Stanley Drunkenmiller never really had a logical trading Strategy, probably why he only returned 30% over 30 Years.

    Seems right to me, all these Algos have changed the Markets on shorter timeframes.
    #10     May 22, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.