Presidential Debate on CNBC

Discussion in 'Politics' started by syswizard, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. JamesL


    Cain had only one answer to every question tonite - 999. Reminded me of Guliani answering every question by referencing 9/11 and how terrible it was. Cain is a single note candidate.

    Ron Paul still tilting at Fed windmills. Reminds me of the old man who sits on the front porch and yells at the kids to stay of his lawn while waving his cane at them.

    Bachmann should really just call it a day. She a f'n moron.

    3 things about Perry: 1 - reminds voters too much of nucular George, 2 - uh..I forget the other 2

    Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman - there's a reason why they put them on the corners - they don't fit on the screen when the camera gets a wide shot.

    Newt - probably the most knowledgeable up there, but like I said, too caustic. Needs someone to tell him to dial it down. Or at least smile. Candidates are supposed to be perpetually smiling, not scowling.

    Romney - nothing spectacular or offensive. Low pulse rate performance. Smooth, like a milkshake. And I hate vanilla ice cream
    #21     Nov 9, 2011
  2. lindq


    I didn't think it was possible for anyone to make George Bush look brilliant.

    But this guy managed. What a complete screw up.
    #22     Nov 9, 2011
  3. Wallet


    Regretfully to the populace Paul comes off cronyish, however his approach is what's needed...... forget the scalpel and grab the meat cleaver. The Federal Government needs major trimming and overhaul and is the root cause of what's bad.

    Perry's gone after tonight.

    Santorum's time is coming but not this election.

    Romney/Newt Ticket would be a good one. I like Newt but his mostly fabricated past problems will probably keep him out of the #1 spot.... however for political knowledge he has no equal on either side of the race.

    Cain is in over his head, Undoubtedly He's good with business, but the political arena and foreign policy are not his strong suits . We already have a President that doesn't know what he doing, can't afford to gamble on another..

    Bachmann is smart in her field, tax attorney, she's smart but not dynamic enough to carry the day, she'd make a good cabinet member.

    #23     Nov 9, 2011
  4. iprph90


    Indeed pretty ugly.....but you would think that he should have been coached in the event of forgetting something to comeback with a quip like:".....and the third one is a surprise which I will save for the next debate......"
    #24     Nov 9, 2011
  5. 1) Romney
    2) Newt G.
    3) Cain
    #25     Nov 10, 2011
  6. Omigosh - that is so funny.
    Perry's done after last night....people are probably wondering...what will he forget when in office.....
    #26     Nov 10, 2011