President Trump ''I Hear You.''

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Spike Trader, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Trump had to write ''I hear you'' on a piece of paper to remember to say it.

    Trump Needs Reminder To Listen To Parkland Survivors In ‘Listening Session’

    At a “listening session” with victims of gun violence on Wednesday, President Donald Trump needed a reminder to listen.

    We know this because Trump ― or one of his advisers ― helpfully wrote it down on a cheat sheet he carried into the meeting.

    Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images
    President Donald Trump holds his notes while hosting a listening session with student survivors of mass shootings.
    Cameras captured the list of five pointers while Trump held it in his hands during the session. Point No. 5 on the list reads, simply, “I hear you.”

    In the president’s defense, it’s not unusual to bring notes to a meeting. But to need a reminder to let gun violence survivors know you’re listening to them, while at a “listening session” organized for that explicit purpose is ... well, very on-brand for Trump.

    The guest list for Wednesday’s session included students and families affected by last week’s shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people. It was an emotional affair, as survivors of gun violence recalled lost siblings, frequently struggling to hold back tears.

    Hopefully President Trump’s reminder to show empathy proved fruitful, and he was able to bring them at least a small amount of comfort.
  2. Hotcakes


    Obama read off a teleprompted script his entire Presidency. How is this any different?
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  3. TRS


  4. kandlekid


    These are "reminder to self". Anyway, anyone going to a job interview, etc would put down the same things. If I'm going to sell something (for example, me), I'll write "Sell It !". If I'm going to listen, I'll write "I'm listening". Trump writing it down like that means that it's important.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  5. exGOPer


    Show me where the teleprompter is in this one and a half hour townhall with Republicans

    Show me where the talking point cheat sheet is as well.
  6. exGOPer


    If you are going to listen to someone, do you need to write it on paper that 'I'm listening TO YOU'?

    That's NOT a reminder to self, it was written in relation to others and was a scripted remark to come off as being empathetic - also known as faking it.
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  7. kandlekid


    Qbviously written by someone who has never interviewed for a job.
    Tsing Tao likes this.
  8. exGOPer


    This wasn't a job interview, this was a cue to come off as empathetic because you have no real emotions. As for your point about interviewing for a job, people bullshitting, lying and faking to get a job is precisely the thing wrong in this picture.
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  9. Hotcakes


    One whole townhall without a cue card!?! Holy fuck man. Case closed!!!

    You're a fucking clown. Seriously. Total buffoon for Obama, that ass-faggot globalist traitor. Go suck Lorretta Lynchs dick.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  10. exGOPer



    Here is another

    Here is another

    Here is another

    Show me the fucking cue card. Show me a teleprompter.

    What will be your next response be pedophile supporter? More ad hominems? Never saw those coming, you inbred Con. If you can't bring facts to a debate, go back to your trailer for seconds with your sister wife.
    #10     Feb 22, 2018