Prepare for $5.50 Gasoline / $.35 KWH Electricity

Discussion in 'Economics' started by limitdown, May 2, 2006.

  1. I think its bullshit that American companies have to invent stuff to solve world problems but that will be the only solution. We can build better ways now but then how will wealthy companies fuck you out of gas money every week. The government has to change for this to change. Now to answer the cocky French guy well great for your little cars, your also cowards, your Nazi’s, your massively unemployed, you smell, your stingy with your portions of food and your just plan rude. Go French
    #11     May 2, 2006
  2. You are right about Europe paying A LOT more for gas but that truly is misleading. I'd have to say 90% of the cars in Europe run on Diesel, not gasoline. That makes a big difference compared to US.
    #12     May 2, 2006
  3. Hawk-fx


    The Uk government takes about 70% of the cost of every litre of petrol in tax! - bastards!

    Diesel is popular, but it's actually a bit more expensive than petrol. (But you get slightly better economy)
    #13     May 2, 2006
  4. slightly better? Cars over here get what 400 miles per full tank (Gas)? I say Diesel cars get about 600-700 miles per full tank. I think that's a big difference.
    #14     May 2, 2006
  5. Hawk-fx


    Well, diesel is more expensive and a diesel car costs more to buy as well.
    You need to do about 10,000 miles per year to make it cheaper to run a diesel car in England.
    (I run one of each and the difference is not significant) - unless you have a BIG vehicle, then Diesel is a no-brainer.
    #15     May 2, 2006
  6. you really should do some research before posting such garbage. The rest of the world doesn't "subsidize" us prices. The higher cost of fuel in europe is due to government policies. Most of the cost of fuel is due to taxes, with diesel getting much lighter taxes to encourage use. In fact, in some places in europe the base cost of gas is cheaper than the base cost of gas in the us, once you add the respective taxes the difference becomes obvious.
    #16     May 2, 2006
  7. Oil is a world market. Everyone pays the same per barrel. The difference in the price of gas from one country to the next is due to the taxes placed upon it by the various government entities.
    #17     May 2, 2006
  8. MRWSM


    They must generate a whole lot of revenue in Europe with all that tax on gas. Do you guys have property tax there in Europe? I wouldn't mind paying such high gas tax if they would eliminate my $9000 a year property tax on my home. That would be a good exchange.
    #18     May 2, 2006
  9. Wealth is shifting straight into Exxonmobile's pockets!

    (Shell et al)


    #19     May 2, 2006
  10. what I don't understand is this notion that US gasoline prices should catch up the the lofty european levels.

    who ever put forth that absurd notion and then sought to justify it by repeating it as if somehow we're privileged, here in the US, and have been avoiding a much deserved catching up to?

    that notion is absurd, for lack of more respectable words, and will continue to be absurd, no matter how often its mentioned.
    #20     May 2, 2006