Predicting is ***Unavoidable***

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by aeliodon, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. He will tell you he's all about anticipation.
    #11     Mar 5, 2007
  2. You know why prediction is a dirty word in trading? Because you can't compute the odds with any sort of accuracy. Casinos predict and they know exactly by how much the odds are in their favor at all times.
    But in trading the odds change all the time. Think about, if predication is unavoidable and you're going to play that game then its nice to know the odds but then if you don't even know the odds then that's a real uncomfortable situation **enter cognitive dissonance** and then traders like to comfort themselves by saying they don't predict.
    #12     Mar 5, 2007
  3. Utilize a greater sample set for the sub-domain. It removes the probability variances and produces distributions that are (near) normal.
    #13     Mar 5, 2007
  4. Its funny Jack you're on record as saying: "I use 17 *leading* indicators to let me know whats coming up *next*." And then you say prediction has nothing to do with anything you do.
    #14     Mar 5, 2007
  5. Like/Unlike games of chance, you can utilize a greater sample set for the sub-domain. The greater the sample relflects the population, the more it removes chaotic probability variances (indeterminant causation) and produces relative frequency distributions that are (near) normal (aka: the central limit theorem).
    #15     Mar 5, 2007
  6. aren't you then predicting that this historical similarity will continue to hold in the near future?
    #16     Mar 5, 2007
  7. nitro


    Exactly, but his point should be well taken...

    #17     Mar 5, 2007
  8. nitro


    Again, excellent thoughts, but you are not thinking deeply enough as it relates to all forms of trading. You have very accurate odds on options positions.

    #18     Mar 5, 2007
  9. Successful traders DO NOT PREDICT.

    Successful traders enter trades because they have identified a high probability trade set-up within the context of their trading methodology. Therein lies the duelality of the markets.......

    When someone back tests, or researches a method or pattern, they do indeed predict. One says, "I see x and predict that y will occur". Or, "I think every time I see y, x came before it". In other words, there is a hypothesis which is usually predictive and then the subsequent "proof".

    There comes a time that the back tester, researcher, and holy grail seeker, must become a trader.

    As a trader, the predictions are over. Now a trade must be taken based on the belief in the set-up, NOT THE OUTCOME.

    The successful trader does not go long because he "predicts" price will rise. He goes long because he has identified a long trade set up within the context of his methodology/trading plan. He is trading for expectancy not accuracy. He uses probabilies rather than Tarot cards..............
    #19     Mar 5, 2007
  10. Nitro - you seem to be implying that the only way to make money is to predict the greeks on options, or time spreads on futures, or something not plain vanilla. Thats not true.
    #20     Mar 5, 2007