Lots of 'em...Real Tick, Tradestation, eSignal, Tracktrade are the ones I know of. Are you willing to pay?
I've got AT tick charts. I was hoping not to pay up too much since I only need it for an hour or so and not all the time. But if I have to, yeah, I'll pay up.
eSignal would be the cheapest. If you do go with them, make sure you get the package that has advanced charting. I believe their eSignal Basic platform (which is cheaper) has charting that is very limited, and doesn't include pre/postmarket data. I think it's eSignal Equities that has the advanced charting with pre/postmarket data.
riskreward, forget RealTick. It will chart e-minis in pre/post, but if you want to chart equities, you sure won't like it, and they won't fix it. eSignal is the choice, no question.
QuoteTracker supports premarket charting with many datafeeds including IQFeed, DATEK/Ameritrade (NASDAQ Only), Money.net, CyberTrader and many others. http://www.quotetracker.com/ And would be hard to beat the price - the software is free. Datafeeds are either free (if brokerage) or all under $25 with exchange fees (unless you go for futures)