Praetorian Harris Kupperman Massive Loss

Discussion in 'Trading' started by ChicagoUno, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Elitetrader favorite hedge fund manager massive 2nd quarter losses:

    Praetorian Capital Investments LLC
    Praetorian Offshore Investments Ltd.
    Performance Summary
    July 2008
    Current Month Year-To-Date
    Performance Measures
    Time-weighted Rate of Return (Gross of
    Performance Allocation)
    -11.73% -29.92%
    S&P 5001 Rate of Return -0.99% -13.69%
    Exposure (as % of Equity, including the notional
    value of futures positions)
    Long 94.7%
    Short 0.0%
    Net Exposure 94.7%
    Holdings (as % of Equity, including the notional
    value of futures positions)
    Precious Metals Mining Equities 24.3%
    Base Metals Mining Equities 1.4%
    Mining Services Equities 38.4%

    Let's see if he can pull out of this.

    Chi uno
  2. look like harris is fighting his way back:

    July 2009

    Performance Measures
    Time-weighted Rate of Return (Gross of
    Performance Allocation) 3.97% 51.36%
    S&P 5001 Rate of Return 7.41% 9.33%
    Exposure (as % of Equity, including the
    notional value of futures positions)
    Long 88.6%
    Short 0.0%
    Net Exposure 88.6%
    Holdings (as % of Equity, including the
    notional value of futures positions)
    Precious Metals Mining Equities 18.7%
    Mining Services Equities 41.9%
  3. Daal


    People pay 2/20 to be long XLB XLE, brillant :D
  4. ....Or worse yet, the SPY! :eek:
  5. tHe guy gathered 100 million plus with these strategies. Suggest you look in mirror to see if your success or failure compares
  6. In that case, he's a good "money raiser"/salesman, not a good "money manager". :cool:
  7. arl


    what database lists this performance?