PPT my arse

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Joab, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. <img src=http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/attachment.php?s=&postid=1973495>

    In fairness it really should be a joint picture of Bush and Bernanke.
    #21     Jun 26, 2008

  2. I just spit my drink all over my screen, fool. :D :D :D :D Funny Stuff!
    #22     Jun 26, 2008
  3. Oh ? To who do they have to report then ?

    Just a few facts:

    * Since 2006 the FED doesn't publicize the amount of printed money anymore. Official reason: non interesting economic data
    * The FED isn't controlled by the government or any instance
    * The FED is completely owned, controlled and regulated by its shareholders: the banks

    You don't get it. In order to 'print' money they don't actually have to print it on paper. It's all digital. One keypress. As much as they want. It's not backed by gold anymore, they can keep printing whatever they feel is necessary. In a 'normal' situation they have a strong motivation to not keep printing money, since that causes inflation and just causes their own (and everybody elses) money to evaporate. But in 'extraordinary' circumstances, as we're seeing now, its' a different story: printing money to save the banks from going under then just equals spreading their losses to the nation.
    #23     Jun 26, 2008

  4. Bush-II took away their funding....

    gave it away in the tax refunds to the multi-millionaires....

    they ain't got no budget to PPT
    #24     Jun 26, 2008
  5. I never believed in anything like the PPT, but it now seems (at least to me) more logical that it DOES exist than that it doesn't.
    #25     Jun 26, 2008
  6. perr


    Hey team up above.

    If the PPT really existed who said that this ppt team is trying to prop the markets?

    OR, trying to do this, and that, and this and that. FOR US, ARE YOU KIDDING.

    IT IS TOTALLY THE OTHER WAY AROUND. (where traders and investors and they're FADING US).

    Joab said it well.

    Once again, this is just a brainwashing game manufactured by politicians herding you for harvest can you say SHEEP !

    Your all being tricked into a false sense of security.

    They started by putting the crook Bush in, Twice.(look at what he did for us. jackshit!!

    Bear Stean, they took all our hard-earn money first, and then sold it to Morgan for $2. buck's. (just in case).

    They have the TV on all channels saying how good things are. (harvesting).

    Trick'ing us into a false sense of security.( thank you Doab).

    All this, while the plug in the system is be'ing slowly lift'd.

    trade well
    #26     Jun 26, 2008


    So if you agree to that, then you can't not believe in PPT, they don't have to buy anything. They simply influence decisions of others.
    #27     Jun 26, 2008
  8. perr, Please. individual traders and small time investors are irrelevant in the grand scheme.

    What we're talking about is 401k retierment plans being able to pay retirees, capital gain taxes lost, and other shit loads of more serious, long-time economic consequences if the market were to crash.

    PPT does not care about some trader's Ameritrade account. A lot of rich investors lost billions on BSC boo fucking hoo. If the PPT did not act and BSC declared bankruptcy, how many counterparties who had complex hedges with BSC would be totally fucked right now? How many billions in BSC bonds would have had to disappear from the balance sheets of companies already on the brink. Not to mention the shareholder got $10 per share instead of 0.

    False sense of security? WTF? The PPT is what keeps the macro economy from collapsing and life continung as normal. It's been proven time and time again. It's pretty obvious the markets can have some big down days be it -2 or -3%, but I bet we won't see a 22.6% drop anytime soon.
    #28     Jun 26, 2008
  9. The Joab in this thread, who thinks that money has to be printed on paper and that the FED has to report the amount of printed money to 'somebody' in charge ? :) Fed doesn't publicate anything they don't want anymore and in 2006 they decided that the printed amount of money is something they do NOT want to publicate anymore:

    #29     Jun 26, 2008
  10. perr


    Do you know how to tell if your money is printed-money or it's all digital money?

    Next time you're in Walmart or anywhere, a bank, gas station.

    See how he/she the clerk look's at you. You'll see something different.

    stay well all
    #30     Jun 26, 2008