Powell fires back

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JDL, May 25, 2009.

    #11     May 26, 2009
  2. dsq


    Powell is pathetic.He owes all his success and rank to cheney.When he gave his UN speech/lie he must have known he was doing the wrong thing and he should have resigned then and there instead of pushing this ridiculous invasion that was based on no credible,substantiated evidence-powell is not a stupid man,he knows the human cost and burden of war.His decision to back up this war shows the flaws of his character and show him as nothing great but an avg person,not a general or politician of higher thinking.He was a war hero but thats where he should have limited himself to.His promotion on the political level was by cheney and now that his decisions to shill for cheney are haunting him he is blaming cheney.Pretty pathetic.He should have told cheney were to go back when.Powell is an opprtunist and a fake.He stands for nothing but the flavor of the day.Not very leader-like.
    #12     May 26, 2009
  3. dsq:powell is pathetic.He owes all his success and rank to cheney.When he gave his UN speech/lie he must have known he was doing the wrong thing and he should have resigned then and there instead of pushing this ridiculous invasion that was based on no credible,substantiated evidence-powell is not a stupid man,he knows the human cost and burden of war.His decision to back up this war shows the flaws of his character and show him as nothing great but an avg person,not a general or politician of higher thinking.He was a war hero but thats where he should have limited himself to.His promotion on the political level was by cheney and now that his decisions to shill for cheney are haunting him he is blaming cheney.Pretty pathetic.He should have told cheney were to go back when.Powell is an opprtunist and a fake.He stands for nothing but the flavor of the day.Not very leader-like.

    You nailed it. He was lying and it showed in his face.
    #13     May 26, 2009
  4. Yep. UN speech ruined him. He has lost some respect from Americans. Hit the nail on the head hoodoo.
    #14     May 26, 2009
  5. It is interesting that Powell lied like a good soldier to protect his president and the president's corrupt mission and was ruined for it, and Ollie North lied for his president and the president's corrupt mission and became a hero of the right wing, generating a career at Fox News...

    I suppose it all comes down to how unpopular Bush was, and how popular Reagan was that the liars are rewarded...


    #15     May 26, 2009
  6. You have a point, but people do not know what to expect from Powell anymore. All the silence until Bush is finished, then he comes out for Obama. It looks bad.
    #16     May 26, 2009
  7. It looks like he was a good soldier, who ignored his own conscience for loyalty to the commander and chief, then once the commander retires, his loyalty no longer is in effect.

    If Powell had admitted he lied (like Oliver North) but defended his lying (like Oliver North) as something righteous, he could also get a career at Fox News...

    Now he is royally screwed, because dems will never trust him because of his alignment with Bush, and repubs will never trust him because he broke the unwritten "Oliver North" rule...
    #17     May 26, 2009
  8. dsq


    Thats because you know where North stands.

    Powell's stand has changed with the sentiment of the war.Now he doesnt beleive the war was right or whatever.He has the same evidence today as he did then to support the war yet he chooses to change his mind.There is no room to be wishy washy when it comes to war.That guy shansiki resigned when he told bush that you needed 250-500k soldiers to go to iraq and bush told him to change his numbers to suit policy.He refused to change his numbers and resigned or was fired.God,that guy must be so releived he didnt get caught up in the politics of war like powell.

    Powell has revealed himself as an average joe who is easy to manipulate,coerce.This happens all the time in politics.He got used.He had no credibility with the left after his UN speech and now he bit the hand that fed him so he deservedly has no friends on the right.You gotta be either left or right-fence sitting is for turkeys.
    He says he s a republican but that the gop needs to be less extreme.Yet he doesnt say how to achieve that and how to change the gop platform.Just a bunch of chaep talk.
    Kind of sad to see a viet nam hero get used like this and then have his credibility forever mocked.
    #18     May 26, 2009
  9. +1

    My guess (and my humble opinion) is that he is merely a "prop-poster" paid by the powers that be at ET to put up these ridiculously absurd posts so that it generates web-activity on ET . . . something that Baron can then present to current, as well as potential advertisers.

    The funny thing is, that no one even "bites" anymore because they SEE RIGHT THROUGH the absurdity of his posts.

    Just wait till next weekend when ET is about to close out the month. You always see a big flurry of "controversial" posts in this Forum right at the end of the month . . . Kind of like a portfolio manager "marking" up things for quarter end.

    #19     May 26, 2009
  10. How often do we see a general resign from the military because they don't agree with the commander and chief?

    These people are trained (brainwashed) to follow orders without question...

    #20     May 26, 2009