powell beggggggging congress not too removal fiscal support!

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by S2007S, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. S2007S


    Just keeps proving how weak our economy really is, and don't think for a second this is anything new, the economy was just as weak before the virus came about. Its been weak for many decades.....With the fed pumping trillions into the market the last decade and still continuing to do so at historical speeds at this very second just shows you how this economy cant stand on its own. So powell now begging congress to continue with fiscal support....fed pumping these market to infinity.......

    Spooz Top 2 likes this.
  2. I felt the same way when Powell talked today. So much money being pumped in. I re-read many posts from earlier this year looking at how we got here. So much can change at any time. Cash is my largest position. My biggest fear is still clowns.
  3. Cuddles


    Robinhood clowns?
  4. Overnight


    Sleep well! Have nice dreams!

  5. fuck me
  6. Overnight


    You'll FLOAT TOO!

    luckyfnlou likes this.
  7. SunTrader


    McConnell will crack under Chumpie's pressure. Otherwise retail sales will tumble and thoughts of more jobs coming back along with that any remaining slim chance of re-election. Maybe as well causing Mitch to bwahaha become Senate Minority leader or better yet contemplating next move into a Covid 19 Kentucky retirement home.