Potentially the largest trade in all of history is in the making

Discussion in 'Economics' started by FireWalker, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. Fokn hell....LOL

    Firewalker....you need to get laid man, lay off the net. Fucking Feds troll the net 24 hours a day.

    I mean if you google my name I'm all over the net, Rock Star style.

    But your all over the net chasing pussy...LOL!
    #31     Sep 22, 2011
  2. Somebody gives real money when you take loans because you borrow money from somebody

    If USA debts goes $0 then somebody will lose $15 Trillion or $100 Trillion.
    #33     Sep 22, 2011
  3. #34     Sep 22, 2011
  4. I don't know French, so that one wasn't me. Looks like another language there that I don't recognize. I usually remember pics of girls and websites and do not recall seeing that particular picture.

    Thanks for the random character assassination there Garbage. I take it you are heavily leveraged in Treasuries?
    #35     Sep 22, 2011
  5. I did try chasing pussy online for a few years. Haven't even made an attempt in at least 2 years. Even then it was more of market research into female psychology and how and why 95% of them have done hard-core porn. I did figure out why and while I talk to girls from time to time, I tend to stay far away. I could tell you why, but you wouldn't believe me. Plus I'm 44 and I don't run into too many who would be interested in me where I could wake up in the morning and not be horrified.
    #36     Sep 22, 2011
  6. Hacked and yet, even today, you're still using it for your ET account?

    Felt the need to expose your BS calls and recommendations on account of the fact that you know nothing about the markets you speak of. Go back to chasing jailbait.
    #37     Sep 22, 2011
  7. What's that quote from when the Federal Reserve was created? Something like, "not one man in a million will understand how it works and those who do will reap so much reward they will keep it a secret." That's a paraphrase and I don't recall who said it.
    #38     Sep 22, 2011
  8. That gives me an idea for another Trivial Pursuit (Anti-Boomer edition) question:

    What percentage of people respond to emotionally charged accusations that have nothing to do with the subject being discussed or argued?

    85% (however, that is a guess and it is also based on some unique knowledge that I could tell you, but you wouldn't believe me. Someone should do a psychology experiment to determine the right answer.)
    #39     Sep 22, 2011
  9. FYI, you really should read the whole thread before responding as I have addressed those other concerns in prior posts.

    To repeat: Hillary Clinton shut down the global nuclear war threat a couple years ago. The triggering event should be the Fed dumping all longs, keeping their shorts, and reaping trillions on the trade. Triggering event could also be a lawyer filing something somewhere with media exposure. CSPAN on the floor of the House might work too. Someone should tell Ron Paul how to end the Fed.
    #40     Sep 22, 2011