Possible shake-up by market makers

Discussion in 'Trading' started by TheDawn, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. TheDawn


    SPX went up by 14 points within just the last 10 minutes of the market!! Unreal!! SPX was totally flat throughout the entire six and half hours of trading not moving an inch and yet at the very last 10 minutes, it shot up by 14 points. If that's not the market makers pushing to shake out positions from the retail traders so they get paid, I don't know what is. After all, they know all of our positions under this Payment For Orderflow arrangement.

    Feel free to give your insights here but this is how I feel.
    Sprout and murray t turtle like this.
  2. I feel your pain .

    You have discovered the secret code.
  3. ZBZB


    A lot of people have direct market access on this website so are paying commission.
  4. mikeriley


    I see this a lot on Fridays for the Dow and NQ also.
    Hyped move during the opening..will slow down
    during mid-morning and afternoons, just to
    resume the trend late afternoons.

    It really does "pay" to wait it out.
  5. ktm


    KCalhoun and murray t turtle like this.
  6. %%
    it went up more than i thought it would also.
    BUT ever thought of try SPY using hourly charts , not'' totally flat'' @ all, even with a blunt sloW go 50 period average. NOR are mm your or my problem:caution::caution:
    Right /on it '' not moving an inch '', so some time$ have to use hourly charts
  7. TheDawn


    That shot-up within the last 10 minutes I am sure were panic covering of shorts just before the valuation cut-off time at 4:00 PM. There must've been a lot of shorts at around the 3900 level and seeing it being breached must've triggered a whole sleuth of shorts covering.
    VicBee and mikeriley like this.
  8. TheDawn


    3+%!! I have never seen the S&P 500 go up that much in a day!!
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. The market is perfectly fine as is.
    Just because it doesn't move exactly as your plans, assumptions, and wishes....that don't mean it's broke, evil, shady and corrupt.

    What did you make in the market today, TheDawn?
    Enough to buy a Big Mac, Whole Alaskan King Salmon, Mortgage payment, House,
    guru, Temujin79, zdreg and 1 other person like this.
  10. Doesn’t your broker provide you with a safe space during trading?
    #10     Jun 24, 2022