Possible Oil Solution

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by limitdown, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. Algae works much better. It is a joke to think that our nation can be powered on corn.


    Anyone else sick of hearing politicians talking about how they are going to spend money researching alternative fuels? Let me assure you, there are many technologies that could be implemented today that would free us from oil.
    #11     Feb 1, 2006
  2. CNBC is carrying this story today.

    Coal into diesel fuel is already being done and used and openly discussed.....

    the preceeding comment is more accurate than not,

    why research, just do, what has already been known

    and, yeah, there was a movie (anyone remember the name?) regarding that WWII solution the Germans used
    #12     Feb 1, 2006
  3. maxpi


    I am proud of my [blue] state, California. They are going to be 20% [electricity] green powered in just a few years. They are building a solar generation station in the Mojave Desert, on 7 square miles they will generate electricity for 250,000 homes. The Mojave is 25,000 square miles, that means they could generate electricity for almost a billion homes, from the sun, if they used the whole Mojave. The technology is certainly here. Think what could be done with the Sahara at 3 million square miles. All this oil usage is ridiculous, the biofuels idea is ridiculous as well, hydrogen is just a way to store energy really, so much bullshit for so little reason.
    #13     Feb 1, 2006
  4. It was, but they blew up rather a lot due to the extreme variations in compression, so they switched to distallates .
    #14     Feb 1, 2006
  5. agpilot


    Hi acronym: I don't think Rudolf Diesel used coal dust but rather a liquid in development of the diesel. His aim was for local craftsmen to build and use his method and coal dust would be harder to obtain... I couldn't find absolute proof in my quick search and you may be right but this post is also to provide a link to his story: http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bldiesel.htm

    At any rate, we need more people like him... agpilot
    #15     Feb 1, 2006
  6. Antigravity, free energy is the solution. Alternative fuels will never be used.

    Here are a couple of recent ariticles that explain how we are on the verge of knowing how to maniplating time and space.

    Arabs will end up choking on that shit over there. Why do you even think they pump it so fast? They know they only have a 20 year window.

    We already have AG in goverment labs but is still "black" because it disrupt the world to much to release.

    That is what all this bs is about concerning alternative fuels. It is to buy time so the new physics based stuff can be rolled out with a min of disruption.


    #16     Feb 1, 2006
  7. Here is a web site with stuff about it. These guys are in the dark too but sooner or later the "white" world will figure it which is what the government is waiting on.


    #17     Feb 1, 2006
  8. #18     Feb 1, 2006
  9. California is a basket case. I live here. This state is on the verge of ruin. Socialist have run it into the ground. No way will California produce 20% from the sun. It's all bs.

    #20     Feb 1, 2006