% Poseurs on ET?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Thunderdog, Oct 15, 2005.

What % of ET members do you think are poseurs?

  1. 0% - 25%

    5 vote(s)
  2. 26% - 50%

    14 vote(s)
  3. 51% - 75%

    20 vote(s)
  4. 76% - 95% (note my optimistic limit)

    50 vote(s)
  1. :cool:
    #11     Oct 15, 2005
  2. T-Dogg. You should rejoice that ET is a bright unblemished mirror of the trading public. The nearest I have come to that in real life was the 45 minute conversation I had yesterday with the cabbie who drove me to Heathrow. He trades forex and enthusiastically explained to me the astonishing virtues of the moving average. My stats tell me that during every good trade I make, the initial contract I traded is flipped about ten times by losers before I close my position. So if ET has ten idiots for every "real" trader, I thrill to my good fortune. Mike.
    #12     Oct 15, 2005
  3. newtoet


    Coinz is a cab driver in the UK?
    #13     Oct 15, 2005
  4. :D
    #14     Oct 15, 2005
  5. This (was) is the first and only site I post on. I've been coming here for about two years and was never interested in communicating with others online. Frankly, I still don't like the idea reading someone's thoughts/ideas when I don't know anything about their character/accomplishments. I will say that it isn't too hard to separate trash from treasure here.

    Poseurs are only doing themselves a disservice anyway. I comes down to personal honesty, if someone feels the need to lie or exaggerate to random people whom they will never meet or know in real life then there are likely greater psychological issues at hand anyway. I've actually been thinking a lot about this lately - I call it the "hollow-man" personality type: everything is projected outward for others to see. While the talk and the look are made to be anything the poseur wants, i.e. exaggerated wealth, better than average performance, high intelligence etc.., what is really inside that person is usually worthless, fragile and shallow. The market will expose this eventually anyway so why should anyone here bother to do so.

    As far as forecasts and tales of profits, well, making predictions is like wanting your favorite baseball team to win the world series. I do it when I need to justify my losing position and hold it a bit longer so I can sell at the very bottom instead of right away :p.
    #15     Oct 15, 2005
  6. I suspect the posers post more, but the real deal still checks in regularly to gauge the chatter, and will chime in from time to time.

    As such, it is important to calibrate one's ignore list ...
    #16     Oct 16, 2005
  7. Thank you all for your input. In retrospect, I suppose it was unrealistic of me to expect there to be less noise here on ET than there is in the markets themselves. It is just that every now and again I think how nice it would be to be able to come to a less noisy environment for some useful exchanges of views, thoughts and ideas. I suppose that I should be encouraged, as suggested by hypostomus. The glass is half full.

    As an aside, I note that this thread has been transferred to Feedback from the original Resources forum where I started it. While I suppose that my thread qualifies as feedback, I chose Resources because it gets more exposure since it is included on the main page of this site, unlike Feedback. Technically, I think that my thread would fit in either category. Just that Feedback in this case is the internet equivalent of a suggestion box posted behind the outhouse. It is certainly there for anyone who wants it. However, its location does not encourage as much traffic.

    Baron, here's a thought. If you really want feeback and wish that your members speak up about their views, why not include the Feedback forum in your home page along with the other threads?
    #17     Oct 16, 2005
  8. The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
    #18     Oct 16, 2005
  9. This past Friday I started trading at 9:30 AM

    By 9:45 I was UP a LOUSY $30k so it annoyed me how easy making that $30k was that I quit for the day to go swimming with my kids and to play with my wife :D

    PS> I will post my BLOTTER as soon as my 8 year old is finished with the PHOTOSHOP :)
    #19     Oct 16, 2005
  10. :D :p
    #20     Oct 17, 2005