POLL: Who is more attractive to females... Candle or Mav?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by candletrader, May 3, 2004.

  1. Please vote...
  2. It's pretty close so far... keep voting!
  3. 5 VOTES??

    Wait a minute, when the PHU... *ahem* I mean, when did we get 5 FEMALES on this forum??
  4. There's gotta be more females here... get voting...
  5. This contest is more ass tight than the bid-ask spread on MSFT... keep voting, ladies...
  6. Mav is a dildo (according to another poll), so maybe the ladies who are voting are playing with themselves...
  7. I already know what a "dildo" looks like Candle, so could you please post your pics?

  8. post your pics so we can vote responsibly
  9. Are you a lady?

    This is a poll for ladies...
  10. Well I'm a lady and I asked for pics...I haven't voted yet so considering the fact that this is your poll....then like someone said, I've seen a dildo before so if I'm to compare your picture (which currently is of nothing) then I'd have to vote for Mav because at least I can see what it looks like....so I ain't gonna get voting, until you get posting.....
    #10     May 3, 2004