POLL - Who are you going to vote for ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by billpritjr, Sep 27, 2012.

Who are you voting for

  1. Obama

    9 vote(s)
  2. Romney

    32 vote(s)
  3. Neither

    6 vote(s)
  1. LEAPup


    Scary isn't it? We have a dyed in the wool communist president, and some of these guys who usually display decent common sense want to either stay home, or vote for Gary Johnson who has zero chance.

    I liked Ron Paul, but he's got no chance. Some of these guys want to vote for Gary Johnson who also has no chance. Romney is our only shot at removing a communist president hell bent on destroying America, and some of these dumb asses want to waste a vote for a guy who has no shot, or just sit home. Unreal!!!:confused:
    #21     Sep 29, 2012
  2. BSAM


    Brother Leapie....

    A strong will and ironclad resolve is what made the USA what it was.
    Not settling for the lesser of two losers.

    I can only respect those who refuse to throw their vote away on Obama or Romney.

    I guess you handle disgust differently than others here on the thread.

    Each man has to follow his own conscience, not that of someone else.
    #22     Sep 29, 2012
  3. 377OHMS


    I had the distinct impression that Optional was rational before I read his contribution to this thread.

    It is difficult to see how any sane person would believe that the best course was to simply stay home and not vote. I don't see the logic in it.

    I've mentioned before that here in SoCal I'm surrounded by Obama supporters and so quite a few of them are raising hell with me for my intention to vote for Mitt Romney. It is as though the world has gone batshit crazy.

    As I make this post I see the poll result is 28/7 Romney/Obama. Is P&R really that conservative? Is that result at all representative of what will happen in the real election?
    #23     Sep 29, 2012
  4. LEAPup


    You have common sense, which is far from common in 2012.

    And yes, I have a Friend in La Jolla, CA who's voting Romney, and catching hell over it by the libs.

    What's shocking to me is reading others wanting to vote for Gary Johnson when he's got zero shot at it. We have the absolute worst president in the history of this country, and the ONLY way to unseat him is by voting for Romney. I stated above I liked Ron Paul, but he's got no chance, and again, the only way to unseat this communist president is by voting for Romney. Period.

    This my vote doesn't count shit, or I'm voting for a guy who's got no chance attitude is a travesty, and far from any sort of common sense, as a vote for Gary Johnson, joe blow, etc., is a vote for Obummer.
    #24     Sep 29, 2012
  5. LEAPup


    But the only way to unseat ocommunist is by voting for Romney. Paul has no chance. A vote for him only helps Obummer. How about we try to save our Country, and vote for the guy who DOES have the chance to unseat a president hell bent on destroying the US?
    #25     Sep 29, 2012
  6. LEAPup


    I am starting to lose respect for Ron Paul, and Johnson as they keep their names on the ballot, which hurts Romney's chances. Our Country is on fire, and unseating ocommunist is a must. You would think for the good of the Country, these guys would step aside this time.
    #26     Sep 29, 2012
  7. Mercor


    I remember the poll in 2008. It was very close.
    I think many people are sitting silent just waiting for 11/4 to vote this commie out.
    #27     Sep 29, 2012
  8. 72% for Romney.

    Good to see that many hard working, tax paying citizens on ET.

    As for the Obama voters- get off the public library computer and get a job you lazy entitlement parasites.
    #28     Sep 29, 2012
  9. LEAPup


    IMO, all Romney needs to do is throw on a pair of balls, and come after ocommunist like an mma fighter at the debates. God knows, there is evidence literally laying everywhere against our communist in chief.

    And yes I agree. I think the majority of America has had enough of this guy, and just isn't as vocal as me.
    #29     Sep 29, 2012
  10. LEAPup


    #30     Sep 29, 2012