Discussion in 'Politics' started by candletrader, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. You people have got it all wrong.

    The Information Minister is really a psychiatrist and he was just trying to cheer up Saddam, shake him out of his depression.

    #11     Apr 8, 2003
  2. Operation InfoMin - With the beret, the smirk, and the attitude of total denial, doesn't the Iraqi Information Minister somehow seem ... French? Maybe it's just me. But he continues to offer us our daily denial: Iraq's Information Minister said today that Baghdad was firmly under Iraqi control and denied US reports that troops had reached the centre of the capital. Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf also reiterated that Iraqi troops had defeated US forces at Baghdad airport overnight [...] But asked about US reports that troops were in the heart of the capital, Sahhaf told a news conference: 'You can go and visit those places. Nothing there, nothing there at all. There are Iraqi checkpoints. Everything is okay.'”

    Wow, the “unconventional attack” that he promised would happen overnight must have been so unconventional as to be invisible. Iraqi Invisibility Technology has proven to be far more advanced than we ever dreamed.

    I know it would be against the Geneva Convention, but I sure would like to see us make a special raid into town to grab this guy, and perp walk him in front of the cameras. It might be worth it to hear him spout, “Those are not handcuffs on me, there's nothing there, nothing there at all. These are Iraqi soldiers cleverly concealed in US uniforms. Everything is okay...”

    Later: Man, this guy is better than Saturday morning cartoons. Frenchy InfoMin is being inteviewed on Al Jazeera, and even the interviewer can't keep a straight face. The only thing that was missing would have been an Abrams tank pulling up in the background, with a US soldier holding up a sign that said, “Hi Mom!”


    Frenchy says those pictures we're seeing from AP, CBS, Fox, and CNN of the 3rd Infantry cruising the southern quarter of the city are not of Baghdad. Please ignore the man behind the curtain. He said he just took a busload of reporters around that area, and saw nothing.

    Though he did admit he could not fulfill the reporters request to see the airport, as it was “too dangerous.” Indeed.

    P.S. I am about to set up a Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf fan club...
    #12     Apr 8, 2003
  3. [​IMG]
    #13     Apr 8, 2003
  4. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    Candle....you are one righteous funny dude.......
    you are a ray of humor in war time. Keep it up:D :D
    #14     Apr 8, 2003
  5. What should we do with him?
    None of the above. We should capture him, and 'persuade' him to do a 180, and start telling the truth about Saddam's inevitable defeat. This would demoralize any remaining Saddam loyalists, save many lives, and complete the liberation of Iraq a bit quicker.
    #15     Apr 8, 2003
  6. Babak


    Mr. Magoo? I say we leave him alone. He will be a much needed comic relief.

    I can just see in the new future the new Iraqi parliament convening and he gets up on a soap box just outside the bulding in downtown Baghdad to hold a press conference to say that the 'invading bastards are being butchered' and that the pictures of the so called parliament elected by the Iraqi people is just 'Hollywood trickery'.

    :D :D

    Kinda reminds me of msfe/wild and alfonso who actually believe that by cutting and pasting they can have an influence on the world.
    #16     Apr 8, 2003
  7. I hear that talks are in the works as we speak..


    #17     Apr 9, 2003
  8. The Iraqi IM says that he has taken the "day off"... quite funny how his day off coincides with the beginnings of Saddam's regime beginning to crumble today in Baghdad... it would be kinda difficult for Baghdad Bob to proclaim "everything is under control" when the shops behind him are clearly being looted by fellow Iraqis... there is a security vacuum in Baghdad... its time for our troops to stop military engagement in Baghdad and to start post-conflict resolution there, by bringing back some civil order to Baghdad society...
    #18     Apr 9, 2003
  9. #19     Apr 11, 2003
  10. You know, Canyonman's suggestion is the best of them all.

    I would bet that his very first show would attract record audiences and that such a show would continue to be one of the (if not the most) popular shows.

    Who knows he may even earn several Grammy award. (Is that the right name ?).

    Now we know the real reason why so many Hollywood characters were against the war. They didn't want this guy to come and 'steal' several Emmy awards from them as the best performer, best script writer etc.

    And you know what, stranger things have happened. The I.M. may well have just been that, a public relationship person, too busy writing scripts to have been involved in atrocities. So if he now turns around and is helpful he may well, in return for his
    co-operation, be given asylum in the US.

    BTW nobody on this thread seems to mention his actual name.

    Cannyonman's actual suggestion reads : 'I think he'd make a great game show contestant. ...................................................... Maybe start a show called "Who's Telling a Lie?" Make sure you give him some truths sometimes and it could be a real challenge for the participants.'

    #20     Apr 11, 2003