POLL: The repercussions of a US attack on Iraq

Discussion in 'Politics' started by candletrader, Dec 8, 2002.

Which of these is most likely?

  1. Co-ordinated large-scale bombings of shopping malls and offices (similar to September 11, but not us

    12 vote(s)
  2. Biological attacks on schools, malls, airports etc

    5 vote(s)
  3. Highly co-ordinated machine gun mow-downs of crowds by suicide gangs

    0 vote(s)
  4. One person suicide bombings (similar to that carried out by Hamas) co-ordinated across numerous smal

    30 vote(s)
  5. Devastating car bombs set to go off amongst traffic queues of commuters crawling into work in the ru

    3 vote(s)
  6. It won't be as obvious as any of the above, but it will make September 11 look like a wasp bite com

    26 vote(s)
  7. No repercussions

    95 vote(s)
  1. I told you forget about me.

    So basically, you're what max is to rs7. A parasite. You bring nothing and you try to find something to say about my posts. The thing is you have nothing to say so you keep on attacking so continue if you want. I won't answer your posts anymore.

    #61     Dec 10, 2002

  2. hahahahah! that seems to be all you are capable of doing isn't it TF? hurling unfounded accusations one after the other!

    get this through your cosmically stupid skull you stupid shmuk - I AM NOT ORTHODOX! I AM NOT EVEN CHRISTIAN. I DETEST CHRISTIANITY!

    so OBVIOUSLY i detest the fact that people in my country hate themselves over religious matters! DUH!

    but you are INCREDIBLY stupid to think that you would know more about the history of and situation in MY OWN COUNTRY you deadhead!

    if you were a person capable of a normal, point by point discussion, i would happily debate you on the history of the balkans! (not to mention totally kick your ass at it :))

    and you needn't worry about my honesty - i'm fully capable of facing facts, and i have no agenda to uphold.

    at the end of the day, the story is the same: you aren't capable of bringing any rational discussion to the table, so you resort to personal attacks by calling me a 'fascist' and a 'racist' blah blah.

    come on bro, grow up a bit will ya?

    and just to comment on some of the absurd points u made:

    firstly, albanians constitute 25% of the Macedonian population, not 40%. secondly, YES some of them have suffered at Orthodox hands, and I GUARANTEE you that, since the albanians are a majority in the parts of the country they live in, MACEDONIANS have equally suffered at albanian hands! TWO WRONGS! get it? or does Muhammed command you to defend the muslim side at all costs and let's not let truth get in the way of a good story?
    thirdly, just because SOME OTHER orthodox people done something wrong to some muslim somewhere, why fuck ME? what the hell did i do? if anyone asks me, i'm always preaching that we need to find a way to get along! (and, for the most part, we ARE getting along - remember, i actually lived there, not you!)

    go back to my own country? oh, but i'm an australian citizen, this IS my own country! :) i'm sorry to all the aussies about the pollution i'm causing though!

    and, one more time, there most certainly CAN be debate with a "guy like me". but that would require the other party to bring facts to the table, or to be prepared to RATIONALLY ARGUE for their claims. that is something you seem completely incapable of doing. but should you manage to work something out, let me know, i'd be glad to show you the error of the muslim way! :)
    #62     Dec 10, 2002
  3. Completely agree with your point.

    #63     Dec 10, 2002
  4. i agree too! :)

    of course, it's a damn shame the serbian population there are now the ones being subjected to albanian terror again (which is precisely what provoked armed intervention in the first place, but you guys needn't concern yourselves with truth), but it's better that a lasting solution is finally in the works.
    #64     Dec 10, 2002

  5. It was in fact the Serbian Terrorism on the ethnic Albanians which prompted the USA (in alliance with the brave soldiers of the Kosovan Liberation Army - KLA) to attack the Serbian Terrorists and wipe them out... but I do agree with you that a lasting solution is now in the works... :)

    To take us back to Iraq, I find it somewhat odd that the USA took individual responsibility for photocopying the weapons dossier before handing out the copies to the other 4 Permanent Security Council Members.... surely there is something wrong here ?
    #65     Dec 10, 2002
  6. yes, but before that it was albanians terrorising the Serb minority in kosovo that lead to the Milosevic rise to power and the subsequant armed intervention by the military. facts are facts jack!

    (and that albanian 'terror' - it's probably a bit too strong a word - was based on albanian claims to the land. tentative claims. but that's another can of worms.)
    #66     Dec 10, 2002
  7. President Carter 12/10/02; "For powerful countries to adopt a principle of preventative war may well set an example that can have catastrophic consequences"... if only Carter was in power these days, things could be so much better for global security...
    #67     Dec 10, 2002
  8. while i certainly believe that, ultimately, an attack on iraq (US alone, or UN) would be good for the iraqi people (and the middle east in general), i agree that there is, at this stage, insufficient justification for it.

    and 'preventative', pre-emptive strikes are certainly little justfication. i agree. (does anyone truly believe that iraq (or any country) would be stupid enough to openly attack america?)
    #68     Dec 10, 2002
  9. you know what come to Paris and I would be more than happy to guide you in this wonderful city ... ad don't worry you will be with an arab so nobody will touch you:)))

    Ok. Whenever, you want just drop me a note. So that I am here...
    You will be amazed by so much beauty and you will forget all the silly things your friend told you..
    #69     Dec 10, 2002
  10. hey, leave the gypsies out of it! :)

    rs7, the problem is that the Koran is MEANT to be taken literally - it is the DIRECT word of Allah. muslims have a great deal of trouble refusing to believe those 'hard to digest' parts of the koran.

    and there is certainly no denying that certain parts of it are completely detestable!

    that's not even my main qualm with islam. i'm much more concerned about the human rights abuses it ADVOCATES with its determination of the status of women. i find it absolutely deplorable the conditions that women in islamic society are forced to live in. is there any wonder why i call it the the worst religion to hit the world? whihc religion, in TODAY'S world, steadfastly clings to such outdated notions as male superiority, and all the human rights abuses that entails as islam? none.

    of course, since islam, at its core, is so intolerant of opposing points of view, it also concerns me that fundamentalism is on the RISE (not on the wane) in the big muslim countries like egypt, indonesia, pakistan and yep, even in turkey.
    #70     Dec 10, 2002