POLL: Should treasonous, racist bastards be allowed to remain on ET?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Gabfly1, Mar 26, 2010.

Should treasonous, racist bastards be allowed to remain on ET?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    14 vote(s)
  1. T-Dog, I think even you will see the humour in this post, a few down from the one by Lucrum you linked to above.


    Gotta admit, that was a good call, right? : )

    I don't follow along as closely as I used to. Why were you banned?
    #51     Mar 28, 2010
  2. Hello


    hahahaha OMG that is funny! Thanks for pointing that out Nik. :)Thumbs up to lucrum who apparently can predict the future. :)

    #52     Mar 28, 2010
  3. #53     Mar 28, 2010
  4. While you're already in an eye-opening kind of mood, please ask yourself if any of this sounds like something a rancid cartoon character would say:

    by Ayn Rand

    Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man's genetic lineage -- the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

    Racism claims that the content of a man's mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man's convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical forces beyond his control. This is the caveman's version of the doctrine of innate ideas -- or of inherited knowledge -- which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of anmials, but not between animals and men.

    Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man's life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.


    Just as there is no such thing as a collective or racial mind, so there is no such thing as a collective or racial achievement. There are only individual minds and individual achievements -- and a culture is not the anonymous product of undifferentiated masses, but the sum of the intellectual achievements of individual men.

    Even if it were proved -- which it is not -- that the incidence of men of potentially superior brain power is greater among the members of certain races than among the members of others, it would still tell us nothing about any given individual and it would be irrelevant to one's judgment of him. A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race -- and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin. It is hard to say which is the more outrageous injustice: the claim of Southern racists that a Negro genius should be treated as inferior because his race has "produced" some brutes -- or the claim of a German brute to the status of a superior because his race has "produced" Goethe, Schiller and Brahms.

    These are not two different claims, of course, but two applications of the same basic premise. The question of whether one alleges the superiority or the inferiority of any given race is irrelevant; racism has only one psychological root: the racist's sense of his own inferiority.

    Like every other form of collectivism, racism is a quest for the unearned. It is a quest for automatic knowlege -- for an automatic evaluation of men's characters that bypasses the responsibility of exercising rational or moral judgment -- and, above all, a quest for an automatic self-esteem (or pseudo-self-esteem).

    To ascribe one's virtues to one's racial origin, is to confess that one has no knowledge of the process by which virtues are acquired and, most often, that one has failed to acquire them. The overwhelming majority of racists are men who have earned no sense of personal identity, who can claim no individual achievement or distinction, and who seek the illusion of a "tribal self-esteem" by alleging the inferiority of some other tribe. Observe the hysterical intensity of the Southern racists; observe also that racism is much more prevalent among the poor white trash than among their intellectual betters.

    Fot the full text: http://www.freedomkeys.com/ar-racism.htm
    #54     Mar 29, 2010
  5. http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=195044

    When I logged in this morning and I saw this thread in bold I knew my active time here has officially ended.

    We used to have a good ratio of real traders trying to learn and converse vs lunatics. Now the ratio has tipped drastically to 8 loonies to 2 normals.
    #55     Mar 29, 2010
  6. HAHAHAHA!!! Wow this thread= TOTAL FAILURE. I am talking like on par with the Titanic's maiden voyage. Damn Tdog seriously... u got ripped a new one.

    You may wonder why I, who did not contribute to this awesome thread, would just jump in and bash u. Here you go:

    http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=192117&perpage=6&highlight=civilian read the whole thread.

    In case u don't get it, you decided to be an asshole for no reason, in a thread u had nothing to do with, so consider us even.

    Hopefully now u will stop acting like a little bitch and better yet, stop judging Americans based on what they think about their own domestic policy when u are a foreigner.

    :p :p :p
    #56     Mar 29, 2010
  7. Whatever you may think this thread says about me, it says far more about you and those like you. And, hypothetically speaking, if you had a brain in your head, you'd be embarrassed by what it says about you.
    #57     Mar 29, 2010

  8. If u can't see how u got completely owned in this thread then you are hopelessly lost. You don't seem to understand that not being PC is NOT THE SAME as being racist. Besides even if someone is actually racist, why should they be banned? No one rational will take a true racist seriously, but they are free to think and say whatever they want, no matter how ridiculous (just like u).

    IMO u are an isolated white boy who has probably never even spoken with someone of a different "race", people like u keep this bullshit alive, and degrade what it really means. The only person who should be embarrassed by anything in this thread is YOU (and the tard that called W a racist.). There is no way to spin it, and your wannabe intellectual response is meaningless shit.

    Fuck you thunderpussy :p
    #58     Mar 29, 2010
  9. I dont know, Gabby, I would rather have free speech than censored speech. Although the example you cite is aggressive for sure, I have seen just as bad or worse spewed out against conservatives and people of faith.
    #59     Mar 29, 2010
  10. Hello


    I wonder at what point Gabfly1 will accept he is wrong, or if he ever will, there is only about 8 people on this thread who have told him to quit whining, with 3 of them being long time respected members of this board, this thread has become 9 pages of people telling him he is a cry baby, or that he is wrong. I really wonder whether or not he is even capable of accepting he is wrong. He reminds me of one of those arogant nerds who got picked on growing up, and told what a retard he is all the time and turns his nose up and tries to pretend he is smarter than the vast majority of people, who find his arrogance and idiocy absolutely repugnant. I am sure inside his head he is consoling himself right now telling him self that every single person who has posted in this thread is in fact a racist.

    Like his comment he made a couple pages ago where he said "this thread opened my eyes not in a good way" its like he is saying that he is right and the vast majority of people on this thread are wrong, even though everyone reading this thread can see that it has been 10 pages of him just getting ripped apart.
    #60     Mar 29, 2010