Poll: Sell in May 2011?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by shortie, Apr 27, 2011.

Sell in May 2011 and Go Fishing?

  1. LONG

    32 vote(s)
  2. FLAT

    25 vote(s)
  3. SHORT

    35 vote(s)
  1. Last post for this thread (by me)

    Traps. All about traps. Longer the timeframe the bigger the trap.

    Trapped participants are fuel. Fuel is movement. Like a physical system whereby it takes n joules of chemical fuel to power up an exothermic reaction traps provide that fuel to initiate the reaction. Then there are all types of reactions--slow burning, fast burning, some that do little, some almost none.

    Exogenous events change the mixture either adding fuel or taking it away. You get the drift.

    A nice trap in the intermediate to long run would be a reverse at above the May high of 1370 in the Spoos, and of course the BIG triple top at 1458--food for thought.

    This is all just gobbledygook to frame the markets IN MY MIND so that it makes sense to ME. Good luck programming an algo for this. If I was smarter or perhaps not as lazy it would be possible but that is as far I'll take it---my own mind.

    Good luck to all.
    #111     Jul 10, 2011