Poll: President Obama would rout Sarah Palin in 2012

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Range Rover, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. JamesL


    McCain was 72 by the fall elections, and that was an issue with the voters.

    Americans will not vote for a 77 y.o. man knowing there is a strong possibility he might not live out his first term. If you think he really has a chance, you are just deluding yourself. Wish he was younger, but the facts are the facts.

    As to Obama and Palin, well they are practically kissing cousins:

    #11     Oct 13, 2010
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Poll: Obama would rout Elmo in 2012


    this just in, obama is found to be leading elmo, kermit and every other fucking muppet you can think of. in other news, he ranks high against house plants and toasters. democrats consider this a positive sign to the outlook in 2012.
    #12     Oct 13, 2010