POLL: On average, which ET partisan group is more intellectually dishonest?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Thunderdog, Apr 14, 2009.

On average, which ET partisan group is more intellectually dishonest?

  1. Democrats

    19 vote(s)
  2. Republicans

    17 vote(s)
  1. Simple question.
  2. Well, this poll is shaping up nicely.
  3. Who says small samples can't be representative? :D
  4. Hmm, we have a whole bunch of atheist Republicans here at ET. How can they stay intellectually honest with themselves?
  5. Hmm. This poll has taken a turn for the worse. Interesting how the response distribution has shifted so dramatically...
  6. Since both parties have equal degrees of corruption, the correct answer to the question is: The Republican Party

    Why is that?

    Because the republicans sell themselves as the party of morality...

    Dems have been promoting and living in sin for a long time. Repubs have been sinning for just as long but are seen praising Jesus and claiming they are morally superior...

    The devil is a lot more honest than the typical republican who claims they are living a moral by the Bible life...