Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose the Tea party

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hermit, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. So you can call anyone names without an iota of proof and asking for any proof for name calling is 'narcissism' - I get your libertarian logic now.
    #131     Aug 30, 2010
  2. LOL!!! Pretty defensive there aren't ya hermette??

    #132     Aug 30, 2010
  3. Hello


    You are wasting your breath vs. hermit in an argument i dont think you will ever win, guys like him are so negative that they never take a stance on anything he will simply create an endless number of threads/links opposing what he does not like.

    You will never see an internet troll like him take a stance on any issue, because his logic does not entail proving himself "right" it is only based on proving someone else who opposes him wrong. Feel free to continue debating him, but you are wasting your breath. He is the epitomy of an internet troll, and truth be told i would be very surprised if he was not optional777, or ZZZzZZZz.

    Marxists/socialists can never come up with an argument which would prove that marxism/socialism works, because it never has worked, and it never will work, so they are stuck arguing the downfalls of capitalism, as opposed to arguing the upside of a broken thought system/marxism.

    It isnt hard to try to discredit marxism, just as it is not hard to try to discredit capitalism, the difference is in the upside of both arguments, only a lunatic, or a loser living on welfare could possibly argue that the upsides to marxism/socialism outweigh the upsides to capitalism.

    #133     Aug 31, 2010
  4. Says the guy who is trying to whitewash comments from a neo-nazi tea partier. :D
    #134     Aug 31, 2010
  5. Ya, like this one - http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=205909

    But wait, you created that thread - not me.:eek:
    #135     Aug 31, 2010
  6. Ricter


    You're wrong in your sentiment that Marxism never "works". First of all, if by "works" you mean that Marxism alone would provide for all human needs, then you are putting more on it than you can fairly put on any "ism"--none of them work to that degree. But that's ok, undoubtedly most, if not all, of the world's economies are mixed, the underlying sentiment, philosophy, and practical forms of Marxism will never disappear so long as Man can exploit Man. Second, as a method of socioeconomic analysis, it continues to hold some explanatory power, even if it has had to undergo revision, like say any philosophy or science. Third, it arose at a time when 10 year old kids were working 14/6 workweeks, and factory effluent made the air nearly unbreathable. If it were not for the distortions caused by capitalism "working", it might possibly not even exist.
    #136     Aug 31, 2010
  7. 377OHMS



    The OP lacks original thought, not quite as profoundly as lickbushnuts but on the same order. In fact, the OP is far more robotic than lickbushnuts who actually exhibits the occasional humor. Not like Gabby who is simply an abject cynic, hermit shovels out post after post consisting of someone elses words. He is a creature of the left wing press, nothing more. A mirror reflection of the composite intelligence of the daily KOS or the Huffington Post.

    Its going to be fun watching these guys have the car keys taken from them. It could be a generation before the country trusts a democrat again. I could sum up the folly of this adminstration in one over-simplified sentence. Obama forced things on the people that they did not want. Americans react badly to being forced as you will see in 67 days.
    #137     Aug 31, 2010
  8. Hello


    First off let me apologise if any of my comments seemed aggressive towards you, you are one of the few on this site who i enjoy talking to and having reasonable debates.

    The reason why i stand by my assertion that marxism/socialism doesnt work is because at some point innovation/production is dampened. You dont need to look much further then any modern version of marxism/communism to see this happening. I cant think of a single modern day version of full blown marxism that has created a productive society. Yes unions/lefties have created higher standards for the average worker but at the same time, most unions have gone to far and pushed whatever business they work for to far and made them non competitive. If you look around at strong unions within companies/government most are running out of money, this is due to the downfalls of democracy as well as marxism, when you give the people the power they inevitably vote for more government/company cheese and never seem to have any remorse or afterthought as to what is actually a logical decision, or what the future of the company is.

    I guess greed in both scenarios drives people, but when greed is coming from the top of businesses, the owners tend to produce, and make their businesses bigger which is better for everyone in most instances. You could argue that outsourcing/automation are the result of unbridaled capitalism, but the end result almost always ends up better for the modern day worker provided that a corporation is allowed to continue to innovate/produce.

    #138     Aug 31, 2010
  9. ================
    Good points;
    he may grow to watch FOX news as many are.LOL:D

    However what they call ''Reagan Democrats'' may do well;
    probably much better than what the left wing press call moderate republicans.:cool:

    And as far as the %% of those who prefer to drink tea ;
    looks like more tea/green tea winners than ''koolaid drinkers''.LOL.Cool
    #139     Aug 31, 2010