Poll - have Obama-Geithner caused the next major decline?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Cdntrader, Feb 11, 2009.

Have Obama-Geithner triggered a crisis in confidence downside move?

  1. No Clue

    22 vote(s)
  2. No

    52 vote(s)
  3. Yes

    134 vote(s)

  1. Democrats are people motivated to save the world from these republican sociopaths. under normal circumstances if the government is seen to be functioning well, Democrats tend to continue with their own lives. It's when they begin to see results of Republican sociopathic activity that people with Democratic ideals begin to mobilize into politics.

    The above makes sense and is the reason why American politics swings from one extreme to the other extreme.

    Analysis will show the Republican party consistently attracts a certain type of sociopath. These are the sociopaths who will take a special pleasure in allowing mercury to enter your child's baby food. Or allow a Peanut processing company to continue selling to your children, rotten peanuts with metal shards in it.

    Clinical Sociopaths. These are the individuals who are attracted to the Republican party.

    For the longest time I could never fathom why Republican governments, almost always, with apparent conscious malice, seek to destroy and damage the lives of the people who vote them in.

    Republican behavior never made sense until I realized these people take an inherent pleasure in seeing others in misery. Republicans are the children who used to spend hours trapping flies and then spend more hours tearing their wings off. These are the children who used to torture pets. Sadistic creatures who don't realize their own sadistic nature. They'll push their friends off a cliff and then laugh about it.

    It has been shown Republican brains are wired differently than normal brains. Sadistic sociopath children grow up to be sadistic adults who need to continue similar activities to provide pleasure to their damaged brains.

    This also explains why the average republican voter will blame someone barely a month into office while forgiving the 8 years of Bush and Republican congressional rape and pillage. No bid contracts. Environmental damage. Illegal immigration. Illegal police state laws. Illegally stopping the SEC and the FDA from performing their duties. All these activities are suddenly forgotten and a guy barely a month into his Presidency bears all the blame.

    #41     Feb 11, 2009
  2. A very misguided debate in particular on this page. Obama was extremely somber in his inaugural speech. I think his sobering declaration of challenges was a keypoint in a lot of his speeches, particularly when he took office.
    #42     Feb 11, 2009
  3. gnome


    Your bias is obviously too strong for you to think many things through and to see clearly. Makes life harder...
    #43     Feb 11, 2009
  4. Gnome, the irony is palpable. :)
    #44     Feb 11, 2009
  5. True.
    And his acceptance speech was especially "toned-down" as well.
    #45     Feb 11, 2009
  6. He just basically wanted to emphasize how everything was Bush's fault, for those of us who weren't paying attention for the last 8 years. This is the medium term position the democrats will take for the next 4-8 years.
    Challenges=Bush's fault

    #46     Feb 11, 2009
  7. Think about this. Sovereign Wealth Funds from China and the Arab World pumped in boat loads of money, into the Banks a year before they imploded.

    So what makes you think the TARP II or Even TARP III is going to do anything?

    Second, no one really know's where the money is going. No accountablity.

    The GOV. did not save the US in 1930 and it will not save us in 2009.

    It is up to the Private sector and the consumer to pull this through.

    Gov. has yet to lead a positive roll. They are running around with their heads cut off, Dem's are tripping over each other, Henry Ried and the Idiot Speaker are trying to beat each other in "press' time and our President is calling for a Catastophy if the "GOV" is not called in to pump and print money.

    Yea, sounds like the Country is going to be saved.....cough cough

    I would call "every man for himself" and if you in the AMT tax bracket...get ready for 2010 ,because we are paying for the "BAIL OUT">
    #47     Feb 11, 2009
  8. For the longest time I could never fathom why Republican governments, almost always, with apparent conscious malice, seek to destroy and damage the lives of the people who vote them in.


    Falling off my chair laughing my arse off.

    What the f)*( are guys posting stuff like this, even in the Financial world let alone, pretending to be a trader?

    There are plenty of Teaching positions, Gov. Jobs, etc for you idiots to grab.

    The above statement isn't even worth a counter.
    #48     Feb 11, 2009
  9. BSAM


    If Little George Bush hadn't gotten us to where we are, we would have no problems with where we are going.
    #49     Feb 11, 2009
  10. gnome


    Your statement is sooooo biased and ignorant... how can you survive day to day?
    #50     Feb 11, 2009