Poll - have Obama-Geithner caused the next major decline?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Cdntrader, Feb 11, 2009.

Have Obama-Geithner triggered a crisis in confidence downside move?

  1. No Clue

    22 vote(s)
  2. No

    52 vote(s)
  3. Yes

    134 vote(s)
  1. ronblack


    Give those guys a break. It will take time.

    #31     Feb 11, 2009
  2. And the fact of the matter is that the average American has absolutely ZERO understanding of what caused this mess, and how long it is gonna take for the entire Economy to runs its "de-leveraging" course.

    For me, this has nothing to do with Obama. And anyone trying to make that highly "twisted" connection is pretty irrational . . . As irrational as the stock market can be as it more often than not tends to act like a "2-year old that can't have a candy bar from Mommy" and throws a temper-tantrum.

    In reality, it has everything to do with a horribly naive American public . . . the same American public that doesn't seem to have a problem with the Phil Gramm's of the world screwing everyone over time and time again.

    For example, how many Americans know of what the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 created?How many from ET, for that matter?

    My guess is not many.
    #32     Feb 11, 2009
  3. Gnome, this "theory" of yours doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
    Especially not by a 72 year old candidate who has one last shot to finally achieve the prize that he has so desperately fought for and coveted.

    And you actually think that John McCain did all of this as a "joke"?

    Wow, what are you smoking dude?
    #33     Feb 11, 2009
  4. Of course not, it's CLINTON'S fault!
    Isn't that the standard Republican Party mantra?
    #34     Feb 11, 2009
  5. gnome


    Makes a lot of sense to me as a possibility... but then I was forensically trained to look for inconsistencies.. There are a few possibilities here, but maybe McCain was just "taking one for the team"... the presidency was probably a legitimate hope for him personally. And maybe the RNC isn't all that disappointed it didn't win after all.
    #35     Feb 11, 2009
  6. I would suggest that John McCain hasn't dedicated his entire life to public service in order to "throw" a Presidential election.

    If you think otherwise, you don't know John McCain.
    #36     Feb 11, 2009
  7. gnome


    I think you're missing the point entirely. I can see how the least important element in the election might have been McCain's desire to be Pres.
    #37     Feb 11, 2009

  8. The current crisis is the direct result of 2 decades of Republican deficit spending. That is a irrefutable fact that no one seems to want to acknowledge.

    However the real issue is the electorate. Someone votes these people into office.


    Consider these events:

    1. A president who started two aggressive wars, who bears responsibility for the loss of thousands of American lives along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan lives, leaves office as a free man without a felony record or any negative repercussions.

    2. Meanwhile, the same populace that has intimate experience with lying politicians appears utterly smitten with a smooth-talking new president promising change and demanding sacrifice.

    3. The Congress, which had an approval rate of 14% and which just passed a $700 billion bailout over the objections of a majority of Americans, had a re-election rate exceeding 95%.

    4. Untold millions of Americans voice support of military troops as these very people are needlessly killed, injured, and separated from their families and productive work at home.

    5. A general populace believed that buying unproductive assets, like housing, could make them wealthy, forever, without any coherent explanation why.

    6. Researchers who pursue alternative explanations for AIDS and cancer get their funding cut and have the results of their research squelched, while others who try to improve life by providing healthful foods find themselves under attack.

    Overt criminality by leaders and passive, unclear thinking by the proles have become the norm. The two go together, creating a symbiotic ecosystem of tyranny. Fraud, theft, and murder have become widespread, just as the scale of lies told and believed have reached new heights. Irresponsibility has become socialized while people in the honest pursuit of good get thwarted.
    #38     Feb 11, 2009
  9. ammo


    You colud take tony soprano (Bush/Cheny)out of the mob and put in Billy Graham(Obama)and it would still be the mob,it just kills me that people think that only half of washington is at fault,you gotta be really simple to think the other party is blindly working earnestly in soup kithcens and donating all there money to charity while one party commits all the raping of the american way of life, these arguments are ludicrous and are a prime example of how these crooks get elected and get away with murder,while u and i are sitting here on ET saying whose crooked and whose holy,they are all crooks.
    #39     Feb 11, 2009
  10. gnome


    You're right, of course. Except there is MUCH more to it than RepubliClown deficits.
    #40     Feb 11, 2009