POLL: Do you believe "birthers" essentially cannot accept a black man as their prez?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Thunderdog, Jul 30, 2009.

Do you believe "birthers" essentially cannot accept a black man as their president?

  1. Yes

    25 vote(s)
  2. No

    15 vote(s)
  1. It's about the motive which you just want to be about race. But obviously it can't be if idiots from your own party went after McCain for the same damn thing.

    It's not complicated if you could actually apply some common sense and a little logic to your own argument.

    But now it appears there has to be a "time" element, that if overstepped, makes it a race issue. And if it's a "grassroots" issue, it can only be because of race. But if it's a black conservative, race is no longer relevant, if it's a black woman conservative, race and womens rights no longer apply...

    You people on the left love to over reach and in the process become your own worst enemies.

    Actual progress with respect to race is the least of a liberals concern because progress would lead to a loss of control.
    #71     Jul 31, 2009
  2. The party of like-minded, predominantly white people has spoken.
    #72     Jul 31, 2009
  3. The next thing you are going to tell all of us "Giggles"
    is that Bush was fiscally conservative.


    I know when I jumped off the GOP "bandwagon" . . . when did you?
    #73     Jul 31, 2009
  4. Blame racism. Thats original. Based on what has happened in the last week, it looks like that argument has played out.
    #74     Jul 31, 2009
  5. well, I am not on the bus to Siberia like you obamanites are. Thats for sure.:(
    #75     Jul 31, 2009
  6. Yes, you, of all people, have demonstrably transcended all matters of race.
    #76     Jul 31, 2009
  7. Mercor


    Read about the fraud Obama is.

    Throughout the 2008 campaign, Barack Hussein Obama claimed it was a “smear” to refer to him as “Barack Hussein Obama.” The candidate had initially rhapsodized over how his middle name, the name of the prophet Mohammed’s grandson, would signal a new beginning in American relations with the Muslim world. But when the nomination fight intensified, Obama decided that Islamic heritage was a net negative. So, with a media reliably uncurious about political biographies outside metropolitan Wasilla, Obama did what Obama always does: He airbrushed his personal history on the fly.

    Suddenly, it was “just making stuff up,” as Obama put it, for questioners “to say that, you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections.” “The only connection I’ve had to Islam,” the candidate insisted, “is that my grandfather on my father’s side came from [Kenya]. But I’ve never practiced Islam.” Forget about “Hussein”; the mere mention of Obama’s middle initial — “H” — riled the famously thin-skinned senator. Supporters charged that “shadowy attackers” were “lying about Barack’s religion, claiming he is a Muslim.” The Obamedia division at USA Today, in a report subtly titled “Obama’s grandma slams ‘untruths,’” went so far as to claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother is a Christian — even though a year earlier, when Obama’s “flaunt Muslim ties” script was still operative, the New York Times had described the same woman, 85-year-old Sara Hussein Obama, as a “lifelong Muslim” who proclaimed, “I am a strong believer of the Islamic faith.”
    #77     Jul 31, 2009
  8. This thread is more about the fraud that you are, Murky.
    #78     Jul 31, 2009

  9. again your hypocrisy knows no bounds ...

    how do you know bugsy isn't an indian? or asian, or anything else for that matter?

    have you polled non-whites about this issue? Or are you just stereotyping based on your assumption of how a "typical white person" thinks.

    You ultimately lose, because, well, that is what your side does so well.

    don't you see, you make no sense.

    On the other hand, if you're not white, you'd be allotted a couple extra points for trying....
    #79     Jul 31, 2009