Poll: BERNANKE: WE'RE NOT MAKING IT UP AS WE GO ALONG - agree or disagree?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Cdntrader, Feb 25, 2009.

Poll: BERNANKE: WE'RE NOT MAKING IT UP AS WE GO ALONG - agree or disagree?

Poll closed Mar 2, 2009.
  1. Agree

    1 vote(s)
  2. Disagree

    18 vote(s)
  1. Poll: BERNANKE: WE'RE NOT MAKING IT UP AS WE GO ALONG - agree or disagree?
  2. lassic


    he's basically useless now
    can't cut rates, so has to appear he's doing something
  3. Disagree. The actions they're taking seem pretty knee jerk to me. These hurried stimulus packages have very little rhyme or reason to them, and the concepts behind them are not especially well thought out, and neither are the regulations imposed on them. They've been getting "better" as time goes on, and by that I of course mean that theres actually a monicom of thought which goes into their creation instead of before when Bernanke and Paulson were running around like headless chickens screaming that the sky was going to fall in if they didn't have the bailouts. I cannot stress enough that I don't believe that the bailouts or stimulus packages are the answer.
  4. i hope he's making this up as he goes along, because if it's a plan, it's an evil one