POLL: Are you troubled more by losing trades or decent moves missed by your method?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Gabfly1, Jan 29, 2010.

Are you troubled more by losing trades or decent moves missed by your method?

  1. Losing trades

    50 vote(s)
  2. Missed moves

    69 vote(s)
  1. Some people generate content; other people generate hits for sponsors.

    Some people phish and phish and phish.

    This thread is about two common problems people like the OP have every day.

    They have a common root among traders who are insensitive to what is going in in the markets and also not having a way to execute trades in a timely manner.

    Becoming sensitive to the markets is done by building the inference of the mind.

    The greatest asset a trader develops for acting correctly in a timely manner is a routine that answers three questions.

    All of this can be accomplished in a few weeks of purposeful work.

    Shit for giggles has pointed out precisely how he got hurt and lost his "hard earned money". With respect to any method he could have chosen, he didn't do the work. Many many people have hardons about me because they didn't do the work to learn any method or approach.

    Anyone can read shit fr giggles or many other ET members and determine that their heads are empty. They are know nothings.

    Why doesn't doing the OODA (John Boyd) of CW build the mind? It is a betting approach involving probabilities. Betting using probabilities does not build the mind's inference. It engenders the fear, anxiety and anger found and displayed by shit for giggles mind and big mouth.

    Trading is a trade. It is like driving a car. Does anyone spend 10,000 hours learning to drive a car by reading books and watching traffic on streets? Shit no!!!!

    How does a person learn a trade? He becomes an apprentice and builds along side his journeyman.

    Do people invent ways to build houses or do plumbing? Does an apprentice do what redneck says he did?

    Apprentices do not ask questions about what they know nothing of. Apprentices do one thing. They do the WORK they are told to do and they find out if they did it correctly from the person telling them what to do.

    Does anyone here think shit for giggles is smart enough to do what he is told? There is no fucking way he can do any constructive work on anything. He just wants to see someone else do what he can't do.

    ET is a very very funny place. There are many many ways to trade successfully. As strange as it seems if you want to learn quickly and get past being anapproentice, you have to work daily and do what is told to you by any jouneyman who will work with you.

    Redneck said he could not find a mentor and had to go it alone. Why? probably, because he kept asking questions. Are apprentice questions any good? Usually not. Is an apprentice demanding to see trades going to learn anything? No, probably not.

    Can redneck answer questions? Who cares. Can redeneck teach anyone to trade? Sure!!!!! All he has to do is tell them specifically what to do over and over to learn to "get it".

    The only way an apprentice can learn to trade is by doing drills over and over.

    What is the drill for not having losing trades?

    What is the drill for not missing great trades?

    Its the same drill.

    Lets have shit for giggles tell us all the drill he didn't learn to do. Or he can do the usual bullshit he does to generate hits for sponsors.
    #91     Feb 16, 2010
  2. Jack, step away from the keyboard. Please.
    #92     Feb 16, 2010
  3. ammo


  4. And Jack generates losers :p
    #94     Feb 16, 2010