POLL: Are Republicans desperately afraid that the Obama administration might succeed?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Thunderdog, May 14, 2009.

Are Republicans desperately afraid that the Obama administration might succeed?

  1. Yes

    31 vote(s)
  2. No

    20 vote(s)
  1. wjk


    Kind of reminds me of when they nominated Dole. That was my first big disappointment. The reason they pursued impeachment was the second.

    I didn't last anywhere as long as you. I registered R in 94 and registered I 12 years later. The spending was the last straw. I've been voting the lesser of two evils since. If there isn't some fresh blood next cycle, I'm not going to waste my time. I'm tired of voting against a party instead of for a party. If I can't defend a party, what's the point in voting for them? That pretty much covers them all according to my beliefs.
    #41     May 15, 2009
  2. Don't vote. It is a waste of time.
    #42     May 15, 2009
  3. succeeding at what dipshit?

    nationalizing the banks, healthcare, automakers, alienating our allies that aren't run by communist despots, filling the courts with "empathetic" marxists, wiping his ass with the constitution to pay off his Union Thugs, etc, etc, etc ..

    yeah, scared shitless, except idiots like you don't give americans enough credit.

    Can't wait until Newt's scathing indictment of Queen Bitch Pelosi makes it to the front page of the NYT.

    #43     May 15, 2009
  4. wjk


    When you take the time to learn about the candidates and your vote is cancelled out by someone who believes a single sound bite, when candidates do nothing but lie, and when the two parties are one in the same with the exception of a few minor differences, one has to wonder. When a member of the house or senate can switch parties to save his political skin, one has to wonder. My vote is worth the time when it really makes a difference. I look around and see that it didn't make a difference. There are now no checks on power.

    I guess I could do like some people I know. They voted for the opposition because they were mad at their own party. How fucked up is that? I would rather not vote. When and if a candidate I can support is nominated (regardless of party), I will continue to vote. I will no longer vote for the lesser of choices. I would vote for a viable third party providing the candidate has a voting record that matches his words, even if it has no hope.
    #44     May 15, 2009
  5. I do hope you're making a conscious effort not to swallow your tongue. And remember to inhale. Breathing is good.
    #45     May 15, 2009
  6. You make some good points.
    #46     May 15, 2009
  7. Forgot to mention the fear of him succeeding in his insane ambition to enact a "Carbon Tax", ( you know, a tax on the building block of all life)...

    #47     May 15, 2009
  8. Based on the pattern I have observed, I doubt you will ever run out of shit.
    #48     May 15, 2009

  9. With all due respect, Landis, what then is your opinion of the current spending spree ?

    It is not obvious, to me anyway, that more fiscal restraint is being wielded by the Democrats.
    #49     May 15, 2009
  10. Cesko


    Obama supporters according to exit polls.......

    Such a crude generalization that it's incredibly stupid. Out of those highly educated and rich only few percentage points more voted for POTUS. Besides Obama was spending eight times more than McCain. Besides other problems with that stupid statement.

    Regarding my spelling, am I correct to assume that I won't be able to find any typos or other errors in your posts? Are you that brilliant that you know I am going to be wasting my time? You tell me.
    Or could it be that you are just retarded bigot and filthy snob who never tires of ranting about rednecks even if it doesn't make any sense whatsoever? In my world it's incredibly stupid to criticize somebody for something one cannot do himself?
    So tell me asshole should I go over your "enlightened" posts or not???

    P.S. It's like manna from heaven dealing with the right. You fucking fool.
    #50     May 16, 2009