Politics and Economics....Oil and Water....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123690181841413405.html

    Proof positive that politics and economics do not mix....

    Cuomo and Frank putting blame and adding legal largesse to Wall Street operations....

    A different operative framework needs to emerge that clearly can quantify the political largesse effects on US business economics....

    Without this being properly addressed....it will be very difficult for the US to move forward....

    Cuomo and Frank are adrift in their thinking....which in turn is quite shocking in general as to the ignorance of those who willy nilly secure votes and make legal largesse impositions....

    The point being that the legal largesse producers do not even read the bills they sign....much less quantify their effects....

    Frank is still in denial that his legal impositions had anything to do with the housing crisis....when in fact he is largely responsible for the crisis....and is thus the majority of the problem....

    Just about any decent economics department could be useful in this regard....
  2. I think politics is H2 and economics is O.

    You cant separate them in real life.