Polar Temps... warming... all guesswork

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, May 15, 2015.

  1. The IPCC report is too conservative. Most of the top climatologists now believe that essentially all of the warming in the last hundred years is due to man.

    And yes we know that saturation levels of CO2 in water is relative to temperature. So what? Right now the oceans are absorbing, not emitting CO2. In fact they are absorbing the majority of it. What is your point?
    #281     Jun 20, 2015
  2. When I mentioned that warming oceans emit CO2 it was in response to your post, that was responding to a piezoe post, which was about temperatures over the last 25,000 years. Not the last 100 years. And over 25,000 year periods, the amount of CO2 dissolved in the ocean does change due to ocean temperature change. Here's a reminder of where this discussion started:

    You really need to cut down on all that weed.
    #282     Jun 20, 2015
  3. By making this sort of comment, you're severely undermining your message that "we should listen to the climate scientists". Instead you want us to "listen to futurecurrents", LOL.

    It's obvious that what you really want us to do is to listen to your political objectives. When a climate scientist says something that has political implications that you like, then you're all in favor of climate scientists. But only in that situation.
    #283     Jun 21, 2015
  4. By making this sort of comment, you're severely undermining your message that "we should listen to the climate scientists". Instead you want us to "listen to futurecurrents", LOL.

    It's obvious that what you really want us to do is to listen to your political objectives. When a climate scientist says something that has political implications that you like, then you're all in favor of climate science. But only in that situation.
    #284     Jun 21, 2015

  5. Oh, well I don't really read all of your huge piles of bullshit like the example given. Maybe you need to keep better track of which persona you are trying to be.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
    #285     Jun 21, 2015

  6. Not at all. The top climatologists think that essentially all of the warming over the last hundred years is due to man. The IPCC is and has been conservative.

    It's obvious that you have no idea what the top climatologists think. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and look around.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
    #286     Jun 21, 2015
  7. The IPCC report is written collectively, by a large number of professional climate scientists. And yet you reject it.

    It's very simple, really. You reject science in favor of politics.

    Or more precisely, as I've said before, you accept the words of scientists only when they further your political agenda.
    #287     Jun 21, 2015
    gwb-trading likes this.
  8. jem


    Global Warming expedition stopped by sea that was not supposed to be there.

    Via: http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/20/global-warming-expedition-stopped-in-its-tracks-by-arctic-sea-ice/

    By CRAIG BOUDREAU – 10:43 AM 07/20/2016

    A group of adventurers, sailors, pilots and climate scientists that recently started a journey around the North Pole in an effort to show the lack of ice, has been blocked from further travels by ice.

    The Polar Ocean Challenge is taking a two month journey that will see them go from Bristol, Alaska, to Norway, then to Russia through the North East passage, back to Alaska through the North West passage, to Greenland and then ultimately back to Bristol. Their objective, as laid out by their website, was to demonstrate “that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”

    There has been one small hiccup thus-far though: they are currently stuck in Murmansk, Russia because there is too much ice blocking the North East passage the team said didn’t exist in summer months, according to Real Climate Science.

    Real Climate Science also provides a graph showing that current Arctic temperatures — despite alarmist claims of the Arctic being hotter than ever — is actually below normal.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/20/g...n-its-tracks-by-arctic-sea-ice/#ixzz4EyFJfll0

    Read more: http://www.climatedepot.com/2016/07...n-its-tracks-by-arctic-sea-ice/#ixzz4EyaiOZki
    #288     Jul 20, 2016
  9. fhl


    Only fake evidence is considered important to the global warming pushers. Real evidence like this is ignored.
    #289     Jul 20, 2016
  10. Ricter


    Arctic sea ice drifts. The only reason they're even trying this expedition is because everyone up north knows there is less ice and such transits are now possible.
    #290     Jul 20, 2016