Poland Traders

Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by Copernicus, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. ChrisM



    I do not daytrade, however I think that for scalping you would need something like neostrada, no matter occasionally some problems with this service may appear.
    I am not familiar with wireless services in Krakow, however I have used few cable and wireless services here and almost none of them was highly reliable in long term run.
    I have been using neostrada for a year+, and service problems are rare. Usually goes off on weekends once a while, but otherwise OK.
    #81     Dec 3, 2005
  2. pioser


    I know that OSTC have opened an office in Warsaw if anyone's interested. Usual suspects - STIRs and all that if you are patient enough. May not be as bad though, Trichet is doing his best to inject some volatility into euribor.

    They do run an arcade as well as take on grads and the deal seems better than in UK, comparatively speaking:

    #82     Dec 3, 2005