Does anyone heard of pmtrader? They sell a (day)trading strategy. It's a 140 pages book and costs $585.
I believe the site you are referring to is PM Traders ( No comment on the course, but there is a 14 day guarantee. Why not give it a try?
Untill now i haven't find any good trading strategy, chatroom or trading book. It seems that there are a lot of people out there that want to take our money. I haven't ordered the pmtraders course and when i read the comment from DAN34 i don't think i will order it. I also wanted to buy the futures trading course at, but after i read a lot of negative comment about it, i don't think i will buy it either. I never read positive comments on trading courses, but probably when a course works people will not tell other people that they should order that course. Anyway when i have found a good trading course i will let you guys know.