Is this only me or do u have also problems with PMB/REFCO? I have one of my account with them and got to the point that I can't stand this a time to move on? What is your impression? PKJR
mainly service issues transferring money, when PMB was bought by REFCO it was ok, but some brokers took their accounts to ???? TeachTrade (????) without permissions - this is unbelievable..some phone numbers that I have are for Refco some to PMB some to some 3rd firm TeachTrade..and the rest disconnected ) This was my backup account but at this point it does not even deserve that honor:-(((
Teach trade is a broker who as i understand it was an IB for PMB -but now that PMB has been bought by Refco - its seems that Refco has lost interest in retail customers and so are not supporting the ex PMB IBs Teachtrade is run by a big cheese at the CME who probably has the power to kick shit - so he may have pulled himself out of all the crap - and is now servicing his clients another way
When you say: Refco has lost interest in retail customers and so are not supporting the ex PMB IBs does that mean that REFCO is no longer servicing any retail customers or you have to go through Refco IB ?