Please stop using bad language

Discussion in 'Politics' started by morganist, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. The dope on Lucrum, all from his own words. Plenty more but this ought to be enough.

    Bold and bracketed text are my comments.

    (I thought this guy COULD be different, an exception to the usual nano ET-er. Wrong. Same stuff, different guy. Just another HERD member. He's been in the markets for 22+ years, stared at charts for 18 yrs., and this is the best he can do? Another thick trader. Watch out newbies; this guy can easily put you on the wrong road because he is a classic bitch on wheels. :D)

    Sorry Lucky, the info was important. Thanks for your drop-by-drop help :) :D

    (Below is the stuff he said in various threads)

    Personally I prefer simple price patterns and S/R levels but you'll get opinions that range the entire spectrum.

    I have his other book "Trading Classic Chart Patterns" and I think he has done the most objective analytical study of price patterns I've seen.

    I'm trading 3-5 minute charts, price action only (loser)

    I've got the "Trading Classic Chart Patterns" one. It's the best statistical work on the subject I've seen.

    Fibs ... I ultimately settled on .786, 1.0, 1.62, 2.62, 3.62 and 4.62

    Seems the projections where price reversed often as not coincided with an S/R level somewhere to the left on the chart
    (amateur/retard/loser/can't learn)

    And a well placed trailing stop will keep me in for most of the move anyway. Ultimately you have little or no way of knowing which extension this move will go to and simple price/volume action usually hints at likely reversals anyway. (fckin hilarious)

    I'm not knocking those who choose to use fib extensions, I just decided I didn't need them. (total loser, just discarded one of the best tools of TA)

    I like the 10,946 tick chart myself.
    The 21st number in the sequence.
    The fib of a fib?
    Can't go wrong with that one.(amateur)

    (Lucrum in 2009 about Steve Nissin) ..... Never heard of him. Do people still fall for shit like this? (goner, jeez stupidity galore)

    Good advice, and I mostly day trade (another live one, god help us)
    #61     Jul 20, 2010
  2. Greetings and good health to Morgan and all others, including Dr. Zhivago (the husband is a sticky commodity! :) )


    No bad language? OK with me. You call the shots, Morgan. :) :D
    #62     Jul 20, 2010