Please recommend good books for option trading?

Discussion in 'Options' started by mizhael, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Thanks folks.

    Still, I would appreciate if anybody can tell me how to practice the knowledge learned from Nataberg's book in day-to-day trading?
    #21     Jan 9, 2009
  2. Cutten


    Spoken like a true options trader, rather than as a speculator.

    My approach - I don't care about historical vol. I am comparing an option's premium to the estimated risk on an outright. High or low implied vol is irrelevant - I only care about premium relative to the likely move. Some of my best options trades have been buying premium at all-time highs. There is nothing so cheap as an expensive option - when implied vol is high, that's when deep OTM options are bargains because future vol int the underlying will be even bigger.

    The reason to use options not the underlying is because the risk is limited and the reward to risk is better.

    Options are sometimes the best tool for betting on direction. The Greeks don't need to come into it at all. IMO Greeks are for trading options vs options, or betting on vol changes.

    #22     Jan 9, 2009
  3. dmo


    Cutten, I didn't realize I was so transparent, but you nailed me dead to rights. It's true - the less opinion I have about the direction of the underlying, the better I do. But as your experience demonstrates, there's more than one way to skin an option. I could never make money trading the way you do. I guess it goes to show once again that finding a winning style all depends on what you're good at.
    #23     Jan 9, 2009
  4. ===========================
    a]Its been mentioned before;
    free read this forum,, most all of it.
    And MR Sheldon Natenburg said -when considering clothes to wear, look @ other traders, look @[hi- low perhaps]weather, look out window.......................................

    b] Big Trends in Trading;
    book by Price Headly[ that's his real firstname, Price,Price is not a nickname] Excellant on price,stocks & options.

    c]c note is $100;
    100% is a nice round number to think about taking profits,
    in stocks, options. Not necessarily a good place to take profits in real estate, which produces income & tends not to decay.................Hope this wisdom helps;
    it helps me.

    murray, real name;
    turtle=nickname since childhood:cool:
    #24     Jan 10, 2009
  5. Besides the obvious two (Natenburg and McMillan), i found "The Option trader Handbook" a good reference that I have on my desk at home and work.

    Bought it before I realized the guy that wrote it posts on this very board.
    #25     Jan 11, 2009