Please I need your expertise.

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by Hugoboss, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. (Plug coming, LOL).

    Please Read This: What separates our training from the "pack" of "stucc" presented to the public? It takes, in general, over a $million to make a decent living in this business. Most "gurus" and "experts" try to convince the unwary that they can take $20,000 and make a bunch of money in the markets. Well, that's nearly impossible. Our traders have a big edge over retail customers because they can "use" (not "abuse") a $million or more of our capital by funding their account with around $20,000 or so. This available capital doesn't mean you simply "buy more shares" or anything like that (although, you can as your comfort level increases). What this does mean is that YOU CAN PARTICIPATE IN STRATEGIES THAT ACTUALLY WORK VS. "Picking a Stock's direction" or "Picking the overall direction of the market." Much of what we teach can be adapted to retail trading, but not all of it for some of the reasons shown.

    Our traders can take part in market making, position trading, pairs trading (collecting interest on the money generated when you sell stock short, where most, if not all, retail brokers do not pay you that interest). We can place "Opening Only Orders" with the NYSE, pre-market, so we can take part WITH THE NYSE SPECIALISTS when stocks gap up or down each morning. We can use automated programs without fear of "margin calls" etc. I could go on and on, but I think you get my point. - Don Bright

    Trading Tactics and Techniques - Short Term Market Indicators

    Live trading with expert traders

    New - Pairs Trading teaching from our experts.

    Developing YOUR trading business plan - what you need before you trade at this level.

    Overview of sample Trading Plan - click here

    Analysis of Order Flow - Investing vs. Trading - Major Market Players

    Day-Trading Psychology - View In-office real time trading - Listed vs. OTC

    Use of major tools - Opening Only – Market on Close, etc.

    The "Art" of Tape Reading - Cost cutting methods and much more!

    See first hand how a professional trading office operates!

    Week One: Introduction, desk assignments, user I.D., New Trader
    orientation, set up Redi layout. Introduction to "spoo" charts, quote windows, message fields, and other hardware and software. Practice entering orders, under supervision and control. Pick stocks for opening only trading, prepare pre-opening calculations, begin live trading. Setting up your CAS system (Goldman Sachs sheets).

    Week Two: Pick our "children" stocks, evaluate fundamentals, choose proper peers, review technical aspects. Observe and listen to live tape-reading, all encompassing (including FV, Prem, Disc, size, New York open book, Level 2, etc.) market analysis to determine entry and exit points. Outside enveloping, "trade throughs", and other live trading manipulatives.
    NEW: Introduction to live Pairs Trading. Practice - Practice - Practice. We have mid way evaluations this week. Listen to verbal narratives, observe instructors trading while learning additional trading strategies. Prepare Trading Plan, using peer analysis, business projections, and other longer term planning techniques.
    "Bright Bands" and volatility movements with Bob Bright. Following duck lists, one-on-one training with instructor's available in week 3 and 4. Introduction to SAS system. Pairs trading, including correlated, quantitative, and "crutch" methods. Review with each trader individually. Address specific concerns based on reviews.

    Special Sessions
    Trading Day
    Tape Reading
    Range Trading
    Providing liquidity
    Seeking disparities
    Putting it all together

    Mentoring topics
    Open Book
    Opening Only's
    MOC strategies
    Squawk Box
    Std. Deviation
    Core Positions
    Relative Strength
    Times of day
    Putting it all together

    This is our basic stuff, we have ongoing mentoring programs as well.

    #11     Oct 10, 2007
  2. Star Alliance Capital is a chop shop. I'll be suprise if they have over 30 traders. And from what Ive heard from a friend of mine, the head traders aren't profitable traders.
    #12     Oct 10, 2007
  3. none of these people know how to trade
    #13     Oct 28, 2007