play the rental market? This is GREAT NEWS!!!

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by di0genes, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. di0genes


    Liks many traders, I invest into real estate with the profits-- now, blackstone will be financing rental property owners up to $5 million a shot--- borrowing from the hedge fund, who understands risk, should make this game much easier for many of us.
  2. Wonder if they will finance Detroit?

    Apparently Chinese are buying "2 Detroit houses for the price of a pair of shoes in Shanghai".
  3. di0genes


    I doubt it, Their appraisal process focuses on the property and the rental history--- with a 50k minimum per unit.
  4. pma


    Looks like they are putting their risk onto investors :eek:
  5. You didn't think I was just kidding?

    At $40/house, the Chinese missed the boat. They WERE going for $1!

  6. di0genes


    Lol. Yeah----